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Archive - May 2009

May 22nd

Hillary Clinton will participate on the OSCE's forum in Corfu

22 May 2009 / 16:05:11  
Hillary Clinton will participate on the OSCE meeting, which will take place in Corfu island. The Secretary of State said that the meeting will play a crucial role in improving the relationship between Russia and Georgia.

UN wants a solution to the Cyprian problem

22 May 2009 / 15:05:10  
The UN Secretary-General wants a faster solution for the Cyprian problem but the Cyprian president Dimitris Christofias came out disappointed from the 29th meeting with the Cypriot Turk leader Mehmed Ali Talat and said that Talat is “insatiable” and constantly sets new conditions.

6-magnitude earthquake forecast around Athens

22 May 2009 / 11:05:51  
The Greek scientist group VAN published an analysis on the website of the American University Cornell, which forecasts a stong earthquake in the region around the Greek capital between Korinthos and Evea Island

May 21st

The future of the media is internet and digital TV

21 May 2009 / 14:05:42  
The fifth international meeting of the Bulgarian media, which is taking place in Varna, has two themes. The first one is tourism and the media and how the economic crisis is affecting the tourism sector. I am taking part in the second part of this interesting forum, which is about the media development and more precisely about Bulgarian media abroad.

Greece issued a court order for the international pursuit of the former Siemens-Greece boss

21 May 2009 / 13:05:29  
Mihalis Christoforakos did not appear in front of the DA and he gave the excuse that he has health problems and cannot travel to Athens.

Negative reaction by Greece because a Turkish general is appointed to manage NATO's Air Force Center in Larissa

21 May 2009 / 11:05:03  
The NATO country members decided to appoint a Turkish general to the Air Forces Coordination Center in the Aegean Sea. Greece reacted negatively, because it was expecting the management of the center to be given to a Greek general.

May 20th

The Greek Foreign Affairs Ministry has a new spokesman

20 May 2009 / 18:05:49  
This is the 32 year old diplomat Grigoris Delavekouras, who officially assumed office today.