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Archive - 2010

November 16th

Surgeon, oncologist, sprinter, heavy athlete, wine producer and human rights activist took the key regions and municipalities

16 November 2010 / 16:11:12  
New representatives of local authorities in Greece were defined after a fierce struggle. Literally, tens of ballots determined the winners in many places. Most of the new faces looked like complete outsiders in the beginning of the campaign. But who are they?

Communist protest with injured woman and vandalism in downtown Athens

16 November 2010 / 14:11:57  
Protests of new force began the day after the elections for mayors and governors in Greece. Non-parliamentary leftist organizations and the Communist Party raised their voice against the government policy and the memorandum.

Greece’s two-party system obituary has been printed long ago

16 November 2010 / 12:11:16  
The political system of none of the countries that had the IMF hurricane has survived in its original form, says Professor Athanasios Diamandopoulos in an interview with Anastasia Balezdrova. "It's difficult to figure out the triumphant look of Antonis Samaras after the elections," the political scientist expressed his surprise, analyzing the local elections results.

November 15th

30% drop in petrol stations turnover, they go bankrupt one after another

15 November 2010 / 18:11:53  
Fuel prices have increased by 60% for one year and over 800 stations have closed since the beginning of 2010, average turnover of the others decreased by 30%. Another 1000 earn only enough to cover their costs and are expected to close shortly.

Eurostat: the 2009 budget of Greece is 15.4% of GDP

15 November 2010 / 16:11:48  
The external debt turned out to be 126.8 percent of GDP. Instead of decreasing the budget deficit to 8.1 percent of GDP following all the stringent measures imposed during the year it seems that its 2010 value will be around 9.8 percent of GDP.

I made it! The story of a boy who has fought for his dream of becoming an actor

15 November 2010 / 15:11:11  
The story of Yannis is the story of a boy who has fought for his dream of becoming an actor. For years he hasn’t got the courage to oppose his parents for their sacrifices to give him good education – a guarantee of secure employment and salary. He has been running against himself for years. He studied, graduated and worked not what he wanted. And he was not happy. Until one day life itself came to ask if he will not at last turn to his dream of becoming an actor ...

Athens and Thessaloniki with Socialist mayors, the opposition took the power in Piraeus

14 November 2010 / 22:11:37  
For the first time in 24 years the Greek capital will meet the sunrise with a left oriented mayor, power shift in Thessaloniki and Piraeus, Socialists in power won in 8 out of 13 districts