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Archive - Aug 2010

August 30th

I want to leave Greece

30 August 2010 / 12:08:01  
A survey of Kappa Research shows that seven out of ten young people who study or have completed university or college prefer to find work abroad, and four out of ten have already begun to look for a job. So, maybe Greece is preparing for a wave of emigration equivalent, according to forecasts, to that of the 1960s.

Palatable state property concession

30 August 2010 / 11:08:09  
State properties will be offered for private concession for half a century to bring revenue to make up the state deficit. The list contains 76 properties for two of which is decided tenders to be announced soon.

The Greek basketball players won in the World Championship in Ankara for the second time

30 August 2010 / 09:08:24  
The end is really happy, but the fight to get to it was serious. Puerto Rico proved to be a hard nut to crack and tortured the Greek team to the end. The success went hand in hand sometimes with one of the teams and sometimes with the other till the last minute. This definitely made both teams nervous and the game turned into a derby match.

Are we going to stop smoking from September?

29 August 2010 / 21:08:38  
Only in a few days smoking in pubs, restaurants, government offices and businesses will become a "hostile entity". Banning smoking in public places was introduced last year, but the truth is that it hasn’t had particularly big success ... Will the law have any success this time?

August 29th

4 ways to get rid of the fat around the abdomen

29 August 2010 / 12:08:55  
Practice sports, be careful what you eat, get yourselves enough sleep, reduce the stress

Relax in order to increase your chance for… in-vitro conception

29 August 2010 / 12:08:12  
Fears related to in vitro fertilization are usually associated with the stress of expectation in the first two weeks after the procedure, which is strongest among the couples who know that they have no financial capacity to repeat the procedure, says Dr. Stelios Papadopoulos.

Greece with a successful start on the World Basketball Championship in Turkey

29 August 2010 / 07:08:55  
In very good shape this evening were Nikos Zisis and Vassilis Spanoulis. With their help until the end of the second quarter of Greece scored 47 points and led the gap to 10 points. By the end of the game, however, the team never managed to advance by more than 10 points.