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Archive - Mar 2, 2010

New strikes are coming up again!

02 March 2010 / 16:03:31  
New round of strikes starts today. Today, the Executive Committee of the Syndicate of employees in the public sector ADEDI will decide whether there will be strikes on March 8 in downtown Athens regarding the announcement of new measures for the retirement system, and a 24-hour strike on March 16 against reduction of salaries and allowances and the increase of age limit for retirement of women.

Greek furniture designer is among the best in the world

02 March 2010 / 15:03:27  
Designer Helen Kontouris, who is from the Greek Diaspora in Australia is among the 100 best designers in the world and her furniture compete with another 99 works of designers in the contest 2010 "Brit Insurance Designs of the Year" in London.

24 hours without us

02 March 2010 / 13:03:50  
On March 1, immigrants in Greece, and in five European countries - France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Belgium, have announced a mass protest under the slogan "24 hours without us." Their protest is more symbolic than anything else, but the initiative itself had started in France on Facebook. With the question "what would happen if millions of immigrants in Europe ditch work and the country where they live,” they decided not to participate in any economic exchange for one day, i.e. not to buy anything from anywhere, thereby demonstrating against racism and xenophobia.

Preparatory classes to become compulsory in order to integrate the children of immigrants

02 March 2010 / 11:03:34  
Children of immigrants need to go through the preparatory classes to learn Greek, and their parents must take Greek lessons in the same schools, said Director of 132th Athenian School Stella Protonotariou.

30 to 40 percent decline in real income of Greeks

02 March 2010 / 09:03:20  
This requested Olli Rehn, who arrived in Athens with hardliner Juergen Stark, from the European Central Bank, as a mark of uncompromising strict financial discipline.