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Archive - Nov 13, 2009

It’s a Pitbull world!

13 November 2009 / 19:11:02  
Hey everyone! It’s Friday again and I’m here to tell you what happened in GRR HOT 15 throughout the past week.

Pre-election excitement in New Democracy

13 November 2009 / 14:11:24  
Andonis Samaras leading with 5% after uniting with Dimitris Avramopoulos for New Democracy's leader.

Swine flu pandemic approaching Greece

13 November 2009 / 13:11:21  
The number of swine flu infected increased with 11% during the last week and reached 3 189. Unofficial numbers show that the number of infected people is about 200-300 000.

No room in prisons - releasing prisoners

13 November 2009 / 11:11:18  
Building new prisons and appointing more doctors and guards.

2.5 billion “black hole” in the social security system

13 November 2009 / 09:11:48  
The government still does not know how to deal with the increasing crisis in the social security field.