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Pre-election excitement in New Democracy

13 November 2009 / 14:11:24  GRReporter
2561 reads

Based on the latest public poll done by Metron Analysis, Andonis Samaras passed Mrs. Dora Bakoyanni with five points in New Democracy’s leader race. The poll was done after the agreement between Andonis Samaras and Dimitris Avramopoulos that the latter is giving up the race. The only condition for this was that Mr. Avramopoulos will become deputy chairman of the party in case Mr. Samaras wins.

Based on the survey Mr. Samara gathers 43.9% and Mrs. Bakoyanni is pushed on second place with 38.7%. The third candidate is Panayotis Psomiadis with 11.1%. To the question “Who would you vote for if there is a second round?” 48.5% of New Democracy members said they would vote for Andonis Samaras and 44.6% - for Dora Bakoyanni.

New Democracy leader candidate Dora Bakoyanni answered by announcing a new political and ideological framework, which includes 16 principles. “This is a framework of principles synchronized with our ideology for social liberalism,” noted Mrs. Bakoyani and pressured all to express their position and to discuss how they can win the trust of the citizens.

The framework of principles announced by Mrs. Bakoyanni includes faith in personal freedom, which is connected to personal responsibility, faith in public solidarity, faith in the modern development model, which is based on private initiatives, environment, education, family and health policies. Mrs. Bakoyanni’s main message is that “the country, which had Athens as a center, is finished.” Meanwhile Thessaloniki municipal governor Panayotis Psomiadis said that he will not give up from the race despite the pressure. 

Tags: New Democracy Elections in Greece Politics
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