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Planets guide our home interior as well

15 July 2012 / 18:07:51  GRReporter
7464 reads


The home is one of the most important components of our life. This is our most personal space. The place, where we find our internal comfort, stability, security. Purely psychologically, there is a great relationship between our home and our emotional state as a whole. The more intuitive people know well, that they can understand a lot about the nature of a given person from his or her home. And by the way in which we decorate and furnish our home, we actually reflect the "decoration and furnishing" of our heart, our emotional nature and internal stability, with which we go through life. It is no accident that there is a saying "Home is where the heart is".

The home is not only our external cloister. It is also our internal life. Every time, when we make big interior changes, or when we change our house, this is a certain sign, that we are making a serious change in our internal emotional world as well. When we buy a new home or we move to live in a new place, we rarely realize, that this step brings us also a reorganization of our internal world. I have observed people, who change their family life and relationships very soon after they have moved into a new home, to another city or country.

In this article, I will let you know what type of environment you create at home as an interior, and what your attitude is towards your home. You can draw the rest of the conclusions for yourselves.

In the individual horoscope according to the hour and place of birth it is defined in which sign is placed the 4th home. In most cases this is the fourth sign, when we count from the Ascendant. In the descriptions for each star sign below I will mention for each Ascendant where the 4th home falls. The sign and the planet that dominates it show generally what type of home environment you prefer, how you furnish your home and how you treat it.

Although the Ascendant bears more important information, if you don't know it, you can read the description of your Sun sign. For those, who are more aware, I will mention, that in the common picture, there is a mixture of the fourth home, the position and the state of the planet, that dominates the 4th home, as well as the planets, that are in it.

Tags: How we furnish our house 4th home individual horoscope Ascendant Galy Astroschool planets star signs
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