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Planets guide our home interior as well

15 July 2012 / 18:07:51  GRReporter
7465 reads

The fourth home falls into the sign Libra and Venus is responsible for it. Venus is the planet, which loves luxury, comfort and facilities the most. Therefore, for you it is literally typical to cover it with all kind of furniture and possessions. Your desire for various luxury possessions, however expensive, is very strong and you rarely resist it, if you can afford to buy them. You love to indulge yourselves with possessions and furniture, which are distinguished by their beauty and aesthetics, even if they are not particularly useful. You have an innate sense of harmony, for matching colours, and you are able to create masterpieces at home. To create an environment, suitable even for the Queen of England. But as far as practicality is concerned, you are not very good at it. And yet, the home is intended for living, not for the Arts Museum.

You like all kinds of accessories, the luxury things, you prefer beautiful and aesthetic furniture, even if they aren't that convenient. This often makes you collect things, which later you wonder where to put and thus you create chaos and disorder at home.

The sign's characteristic, in which Venus falls, also gives a reflection upon your main preferences.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Leo

The fourth home falls into the sign Scorpio and Mars (and Pluto) is responsible for it. For you, the home is a very closed area for the outer world. Mars is a protector, Mars is a warrior, Mars acts. Therefore, you protect your home, your personal place by any means you can and you don’t easily allow outside people into it. The furniture and the interior often include unusual elements with a hint of mysticism, picturesqueness, some trophies, or they are reminiscent of the tent of a Roman commander, while fighting. You don’t like light, you prefer shadows and the light is just enough so that you don't trip up. You like darkness.

The bedroom is the centre of your home. It is even possible for this to be the single room, which you mainly inhabit and do almost everything in. The rest are just auxiliary. You don’t need enormous spaces, but you definitely insist only you have access to them. You don’t easily allow in even your closest people.

The sign's characteristic, in which Mars falls, also gives a reflection upon your main preferences.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Virgo

The fourth home falls into the sign Sagittarius and Jupiter is responsible for it. You like pomposity, heavy furniture, but sometimes your sense of harmony and coziness is lost. You are able to make incredible combinations of a modern kitchen and a Victorian-style bedroom. You are not much bothered by design and practicality, you don't aim to "show off" by your home. It is always wide open and everyone is welcome. For you it is normal to maintain disorder, in which everything is at hand. You prefer your home to be comfortable, not tidy. Your principle is that the home should be at your service, and not vice-versa.

You like broadness, space and easy access to everything. You try to have the least possible closed doors at home, as well as barrier walls, dividing the rooms. Often you live in two places at the same time.

The sign's characteristic, in which Jupiter falls, also gives a reflection upon your main preferences.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Libra

The fourth home falls into the sign Capricorn and Saturn is responsible for it. For you, the home comes in first place and it has to be extremely stable, well constructed, with steady walls and bases, so that it could endure even thousands of years. Obtaining a home is once and forever and this is done very slowly in time. Everything in it has to be of first quality, to resist the years and to have gone through time-control in terms of design and comfort. Similar to a little black dress by Coco Chanel - always classy, always stylish, always suitable and modern, always comfortable. You don’t fall for modernistic interiors, which soon loose their style. When you furnish your home, this doesn’t change over the years. Only refreshing repairs are done.

Tags: How we furnish our house 4th home individual horoscope Ascendant Galy Astroschool planets star signs
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