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Planets guide our home interior as well

15 July 2012 / 18:07:51  GRReporter
7466 reads

Although Librans areusually thought to be very sociable and friendly, their home is a place into which only selected people enter, those who could be useful for your ascent in society and community - authoritative people for you, people with high social status, with a style and way of life, sought by you.

The sign's characteristic, in which Saturn falls, also gives a reflection upon you main preferences.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Scorpio

The fourth home falls in the sign Aquarius and Saturn and Uranus are responsible for it. Usually you put very eccentric things in the interior around you, futuristic elements, which are, however, combined perfectly with those traditionally acknowledged, in order to always be modern and always topical. You are able to make unbelievable matches, which can excite every interior designer. You can make a totally personal style in terms of design and interior. You are not one of those people who copy or let someone else  choose their furniture and the home arrangement. You actively take part and have the last word. Nevertheless, your home has to be very stable, of first quality and have a lot of style in terms of design and comfort.

The home is the place, where you want to feel your individuality and integrity. You have strict control over the access of outside people. You only allow in people, who don’t ruin your individuality, don’t make efforts to enter your personal maze and keep a distance. Usually you insist on having your own home and you do this as soon as you have such an opportunity.

The sign's characteristic, in which Saturn falls, also gives a reflection upon your main preferences.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Sagittarius

The fourth home falls into the sign Pisces and Jupiter and Neptune are responsible for it. You are not the type of people, who pay much attention to the questions of home interior and design. You choose furniture, which is comfortable for your body, through which to dip into your personal "ocean". You are not interested in whether it is modern, practical or whether the colours and the design of the various pieces of furniture match. You place them in a way, which lacks outside order and arrangement. Often your home is ruled by a happy disorder. But the characteristic is, that the atmosphere is very calming and whoever comes to your home, can experience a feeling of timelessness. You can live in any conditions, the only important thing is to have water.

Although you are the type of people who easily adapt to living in any conditions, you are strongly connected to your birthplace and for you it could be said, that you are the most strongly expressed patriots. You often live in two places at a time and it is difficult to define which one is your main home.

The sign's characteristic, in which Jupiter falls, also gives a reflection upon your main preferences.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Capricorn

The fourth home falls in the sign Aries and Mars is responsible for it. This suggests that the place, where you stay the least, is your own home. You won't easily devote to cleaning and maintaining the house all day long. Very often you are precisely one of that type of people, who don't aim to acquire their own home at all, because you want to move freely, not bothered by obligations to properties. At home you prefer simple furniture, that is easy to maintain (even better if it is self-maintaining). No excess of furniture, but because of that you usually have a big lumber room or room, which you use as such - everything is quickly put in the lumber room.

You hate tidying and cleaning. You would rather throw something away, than fix it or to make it useful again, if it is broken or out of order. Suffice to say that you don’t have financial difficulties to change it. Almost Spartan interior. But still, you certainly have at least one sports device.

The sign's characteristic, in which Mars falls, also gives a reflection upon your main preferences.

Ascendant or Sun in the sign Aquarius

Tags: How we furnish our house 4th home individual horoscope Ascendant Galy Astroschool planets star signs
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