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The Greek "children" of Hitler

02 April 2012 / 17:04:23  GRReporter
7806 reads

According to recent polls, the organization Golden Dawn will manage to enter the Greek Parliament for the first time. Its name is associated with extreme-right nationalist slogans as well as with attacks on immigrants. Only a week ago, the hearing of a case of an attack by three Greeks against immigrants from Afghanistan was postponed again. It is believed that they were members of the organization and that this was just one of the numerous similar attacks in the centre of Athens.

"Behind the slogans, 'Greece belongs to the Greeks' and 'Foreigners out of the country' used by Golden Dawn in an attempt to attract unemployed and hopeless Greeks lies a neo-Nazi organization", wrote the Greek newspaper Ethnos. It despises democracy, admires Hitler and dreams of establishing a Fourth Reich in Europe.

The members of the organization are seeking to "make up" the true face of Golden Dawn in an attempt to secure its place in the Greek Parliament. But its actions and texts published over time show that it is a racist and a neo-Nazi group that is in contact with similar organizations worldwide. Its followers call the butcher Rudolf Hess a "hero" and define Christianity as "20 centuries of obscurantism."

The general secretary of Golden Dawn, Nikos Michaloliakos has been one of the leading figures of the extreme right since the 1970s. He stated that "National Socialism" is a "worldview," which is based on the superiority of "Aryan race". According to him, during the Second World War and the occupation, the Germans held killings in Greece as "revenge" against the acts of the resistance movement.

Despite his attempt to hide the admiration of Golden Dawn to the leader of Nazi Germany, his article entitled "Hitler for 1000 years" and published in the magazine of the organization in 1987 is highly indicative. He writes, "A bright page of the modern history was closed on 30 April, 1945. The Great Man of the 20th century, the inspirer and the apostle of the Revolution of Swastika is dead. 1945. All who have believed in the great ideals of the National Socialist revolution froze, looking towards the future with hesitation. Towards a future without His presence and guidance."

Nikos Michaloliakos described Adolf Hitler as a "great visionary of New Europe" and a "Great Leader". He referred to the former head of the SS destroying units, Rudolf Hess, who was at a mature age at the time, as a wise old man, defining him as the last "great representative" of National Socialism. "We exist," said Michaloliakos in an outburst of Nazi "pride." "The fascination of the Swastika, the greatness of the Red-Black flag are alive today. 42 years later, we continue the Fight for ultimate victory of our Race." The text ends with a greeting written in German: "HEIL HITLER".

The superiority of white people, racist sermons for inferiority of other races, conspiracy scenarios about Zionism and Jews lying behind the globalization and the economic crisis and the recovery of Nazi emblems express the ideological position of Golden Dawn.

In 2005, on the day of victory of the Allies against the Nazis, the Golden Dawn magazine published an article entitled "We celebrate nothing." The introduction states that things have not changed much since "the fateful spring of 1945 when the forces of global Zionism defeated Nazi Germany and the ideals it represented."

The admiration for the Nazis continues even when it comes to the massacres in Greece during the occupation. The Prime Minister at that time and collaborator of the Germans George Tsolakoglou is defined as the general who "tried to reach a just peace agreement." Civilian police officers and members of the X battalions that Nazis launched in the fight against Greek opposition are even called "glorious fighters".

Even about the massacres of civilians in Distomo and Kalavrita in the Peloponnese, Nikos Michaloliakos wrote in June 1991, as he says, without justifying the actions of the Nazis: "The Germans were the occupiers. We were at war. It was natural that all this happened." The responsibility for the "response" to the Germans was transferred to the Greek People's Liberation Army. Its members "killed a German soldier from time to time objectively aiming at compelling the occupying forces to response and thus, attracting the people to their side."

"Blood and race, which are the biological support of the People" for Golden Dawn are the "thread", "the Homeland is the loom and the Nation is the weaver of civilization." This is described in the ideological writings of the neo-Nazi organization published in the magazine. Fascist and racist sermons "redefined" some of the 14 principles of Aryan Ethics: "Be vulpine to enemies and strangers, because their purpose is to destroy you. Secure, protect and love your Homeland, as required by the natural living space. Live in harmony with Nature and People and do not yield to evil, because the survival of the race is your eternal struggle."

In order to ensure the survival of the "race," Golden Dawn is set against immigrants, "Bolsheviks," liberals and the Parliamentary system. "Democracy is also one of the biggest frauds of the system. We, the Nationalists do not aim at any "improvement" in the structures of the existing system, rotten and unstable anyway. Instead, we fight for its collapse, which is the main prerequisite for the Salvation and Revival of our Nation," wrote the members of the organization in the magazine.

Greek neo-Nazis from Golden Dawn act firmly based on the ideological positions and beliefs imposed by Nazism. In this regard, Christianity as a religion of love and forgiveness could not be related to their fascist and Nazi slogans.

Tags: Politicsneo-NazistsGolden DawnNikos MichaloliakosRacist organization
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