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The Greek "children" of Hitler

02 April 2012 / 17:04:23  GRReporter
7731 reads

"Obscurantism that lasted 20 centuries", "Jewish Christianity" and "Christian decline" are just some of the definitions Golden Dawn and Counterattack used in the magazine in the 1980s. However, they are well hidden, because they would spoil the image of the "Greek Orthodox" organization, if highlighted. Behind the model of "the supreme patriot" and extreme-right Greek stating he was a nationalist and "celebrates the Greek tradition and culture" are hiding followers of Lucifer, pagans, worshipers of antiquity, and even admirers of the "magicians" of the Middle Ages.

Even the name of the organization Golden Dawn is associated with the "Dawn" when Lucifer will appear and bring with him the "brilliant darkness", as the Nazism-following poet Odysseus Paterakis wrote in his book entitled "Brilliant darkness of Lucifer - National religion of the Greeks". Typical are the verses from the poem "Golden Dawn": "Bend your hands, reach them and take my soul. It belongs to you, Satan, and now, and forever." The book of poetry, the introduction of which was written by the leader of the organization, contains poems entitled "Hymn to Lucifer" and "Confessions of a pagan."

Nikos Michaloliakos himself wrote about human sacrifices in honour of Lucifer, but in the form of the ancient god Pan: "In the centre of the huge bloody stain, Satanically superb, this eternal ruler, the Great Pan is praising the sacrifice of noble instincts and violence."


Tags: Politicsneo-NazistsGolden DawnNikos MichaloliakosRacist organization
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