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Archive - Feb 2014

February 15th

The Greek police have reported a sharp decline in crime in 2013

15 February 2014 / 19:02:12  
Robberies decreased by 17.9%, theft and burglary - by15.2%, and homicides - by 11.9%, compared to 2012

A domino of "padlocks" in industry

15 February 2014 / 18:02:04  
While the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of Environment are arguing, heavy industry companies cannot pay the high cost of energy and are dramatically reducing production and laying off workers

When someone hits our Achilles heel...

15 February 2014 / 17:02:29  
He or she enters our lives quickly, quietly and unnoticeably. The twelfth house in the horoscope determines which our weakest points are, as well as the situations in which we are most vulnerable.

Trade union protest in Athens, tractors on highways

14 February 2014 / 22:02:01  
The police had met the strict requirements of the law connected with the holding of protests. From the beginning of the protest and the arrival of the participants at the Ministry of Administrative Reform, they did not allow the protesters to interrupt the traffic in the centre of Athens.

February 14th

Microsoft’s transformation

14 February 2014 / 20:02:21  
The ambition of the new Microsoft head to return the company to innovative technologies.

Love in the digital world

14 February 2014 / 17:02:45  

Unionists ready to fight for a change in Europe

14 February 2014 / 15:02:06  
The European Trade Union Confederation demanded yesterday in Athens an investment plan for the whole EU, unity and democracy as a way out of the crisis.