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A policeman arrested in an office of Golden Dawn

24 September 2013 / 22:09:58  GRReporter
2895 reads

Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection Nikos Dendias has submitted to the Supreme Court a second folder with cases of violence involving members of Golden Dawn. The authorities are carrying out the investigation at a rapid pace and, according to sources, the results will be announced within 20 days. The purpose of the prosecutors’ office is to be able to collect evidence and to bring, against members and deputies of the extremist party, accusations of forming a criminal group.

The first witnesses in the case were the journalists who had interviewed current and former members of the party. According to sources, in their testimony they had described how they had presented the topic in their reports and had avoided revealing the names of their interlocutors. Next on the list of the prosecutor’s office are the parliamentary representatives of all parties except Golden Dawn. Anonymous former members of Golden Dawn have testified too. They have nothing to do with the party at present but want to provide information about its structure.

The investigation of the murder of rap singer Pavlos Fyssas is being carried out in parallel too. The investigators of the case have collected information about the calls to at least seven people. They believe that they will present the results soon after the completion of several secret operations. So far, they have identified five people who had spoken to George Roupakias shortly before the murder.

At the same time the checks in the ranks of the police aimed at removing all members linked with Golden Dawn are continuing. Members of the Internal Affairs Service of the Greek police have carried out purges in areas in the outskirts of Piraeus, Nikea, Kaminia and Agios Ioannis Rendis.

Ethnos newspaper published today a new report according to which a member of Golden Dawn’s core in Nikea was close to members of the special forces of the Greek police and threw stones at the participants in the protest against Pavlos Fyssas’ murder on 18 September. According to sources of the newspaper, the man in a red shirt along with the murderer, George Roupakias, is in the pictures of the nationalist summer camp of the extremists by Neda River in the Peloponnese. The reporters of the newspaper are continuing with the findings regarding their activity, although they have already received threatening phone calls and have alerted the police in connection with them.

According to a publication in To Vima newspaper the Golden Dawners are in a state of "high alert". The main task of the chief figures in the party is to inform its ordinary members and supporters how to respond to police checks. According to the article, they are warning them not to provide any evidence of the policemen who are connected with the party and who are training its action groups. They are also urging the ordinary members to speak carefully during meetings of the local organizations of the party, warning them, "Now everything is being monitored by the police and every word uttered can be used to justify charges of involvement in a criminal organization or of incitement to commit a felony."

The police checks, however, are giving results, as a policeman and former security guard of deputy Konstantinos Barbarousis had been apprehended in the office of Golden Dawn in Agrinio a little earlier. The person in question is under judicial disability due to his involvement in attacks against immigrants-sellers in the market in Messolonghi.

According to the police, 30 shields, 2 motorcycle helmets, 15 torches, 11 flagpoles, 3 wooden sticks, 5 wooden rods and an axe were found in the office of Golden Dawn as well as a police hat, a helmet, a pair of shinbone protectors and a pack of 15 hunting cartridges which belonged to the arrested policeman.

Tags: Crime newsGolden DawnInvestigationPoliceMurderPavlos Fyssas
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