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In May, Venus retrograde brings to light things that were hidden for many years

28 April 2012 / 18:04:37  GRReporter
7596 reads


In this article I will inform you about the astrological conditions during the period May 1-31 and who will be affected by them. While moving on the celestial sphere planets activate different parts of the zodiac and this is why the astrological climate they set, affects people in a different way because it is directly dependent on the individuals’ horoscope.

In my previous article I told you that in April issues related to stress, which is expressed as opposition, fighting and intransigence, will be affected - the tendency to oppose and fight by default. The source of this tension is in the meaning - the individual meaning in life. For better or worse, everyone will be trying to find their own way. The last ten days of April brought change in the "eye lenses”, giving a to a very dynamic time, which will initiate a lot – both in public and in our individual lives. Everyone will feel the need to act. Overall, I outlined April as the month of the “new”.

What is the astrological situation in May?

The month of May has two things that make it a little more special. The first is that after May 15, Venus starts its retrograde period. This happens once every 18 months (half year) and the duration of this period is 40 days. In 2012, however, there is something much more significant. It is accompanied by an "eclipse" of the sun by Venus (early June), which occurs at intervals of about 130 years and has long-lasting consequences.

“I'm lost without you” will be very trendy for this Venus retrograde in every sense - both literally and figuratively speaking. The distinction between "value" and "value" understanding what is worth having, what is valuable, what should be changed or not. What will you be “lost” without. I believe that both socially and politically speaking such assessment will be made.

From an astrological point of view, the Venus retrograde period operates in a way that can make the planet bring to the surface what has been shrouded in shadows for years. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, aesthetics, of our pride, passion and temptation. Our desire to share any experiences with others, especially with our intimate partners. This planet is our human love and passion. It symbolizes what is precious to us, what has a deep value for us and what we are attached to.

Everything that Venus symbolizes during the retrograde period, acquires a strong accent. Often during this period issues concerning the relationship between people, values ​​in life and morals come to the fore. The areas, which are under its authority in an individual horoscope, also get activated.

We return to old problems in a present relationship, we go back to old relationships that just "happened" to be recalled. We think about whether it is worth pursuing something at the expense of another thing. We think about what is right for us. Many temptations appear associated with old and unachieved desires. From this perspective, people tend to "overeat" during the retrograde phase of Venus, because somehow they get the opportunity to get their desires or to return to chasing them.

The first half of the retrograde phase begins after May 15th. It is characterized by the fact that we will be confronted mainly with the emergence of things related to what Venus symbolizes. Pay attention to the problems in your relationships, pay attention to what you want, and pay attention to your wishes – the ones, which seem to wake up after a long sleep. In one way or another you will need to deal with them, so do not disregard them as something, which will pass.

The second special event in May is a solar eclipse on May 20. It is especially important for those born on May 19, 20 and 21. For them, 2012 brings important life events, which afterwards will change almost its entire structure. Globally speaking it is associated with realism, the need to clean up unrealistic expectations and perceptions. On the surface this may mean conversion, breach, rejection of laws – both human and moral and social and socio-economic ones. This will not happen immediately. Rather, in the days around the eclipse there will be events, which will trigger the development of this theme.

Now I will write about the zodiac areas that will be affected in May. And also the dates that the Sun is approximately in those areas and hence affects people born on these dates regardless of the year. For the other planets you need to check your personal horoscope.

Tags: Galy astrology planets zodiac signs
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