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In May, Venus retrograde brings to light things that were hidden for many years

28 April 2012 / 18:04:37  GRReporter
7308 reads

9° - 15° Aries (people born between March 29 and April 4)
9° - 15° Cancer (people born between July 1 and 6)
21° - 26° Cancer (people born between July 13 and 18)
17° - 23° Virgo (people born between September 9 and 15)
23° - 28° Virgo (people born between September 15 and 20)
4° - 9° Libra (people born between September 26 and October 1)
15° - 21° Libra (people born between October 8 and 14)
13° - 19° Scorpio (people born between November 5 and 11)
19° - 25° Scorpio (people born between November 11 and 16)
28° Sagittarius - 4° Capricorn (people born between December 19 and 25)
15° - 21° Capricorn (people born between January 5 and 11)
6° - 11° Pisces (people born between February 24 and March 1)
17° - 23° Pisces (people born between March 7 and 13)

Check out the gallery and find which planet interests you and connect the key words for it with what I have written.

The period May 1 to 31 for people who have a planet in the area:
9° - 15° Aries
During these days you will be very actively concerned with money, investments or any other personal resources, especially in the first and last ten days of May. Probably you will need to exercise much tighter control over your cash flow. If you intend to invest or offer any deals, those days are for you to make decisions. And definitely, you hold some strong cards in your hands.

The period May 1 to 31 for people who have a planet in the area:
9° - 15° Cancer
This is a time when you will feel boundless energy. You are exiting a period of feeling of failure, which is a necessary step in any development of new things. The sweeping energy is based on the principle of balance - after stagnation and a sense of failure follows a stage of new space and success.

The period May 1 to 31 for people who have a planet in the area:
21° - 26° Cancer
The time continues in which already built structures go off the rails suddenly in need of renovation. This can be plans, relationships, projects or partnerships. Do not approach these issues through the eyes of old standards in order to return them to normal. Approach them in completely new ways. And do not forget to explore the motivation and resources available to people around you. This is the most important thing when building foundations, involving other people.

The period May 20 to 31 for people who have a planet in the area:
17° - 23° Virgo,
During these days it is possible for you to encounter many issues on what you have to think about and seek solutions. Almost all of your available energy will be directed to solving one or more puzzles. It is likely for you to return to past things with new eyes, asking yourself questions like "What would happen if…?". What is important for you to know is that it is necessary to spend some time relaxing. You do not need a telescope to see what's under your nose. You'll be amazed how insights come exactly in those moments when you stop staring.

The period May 1 to 10 for people who have a planet in the area:
23° - 28° Virgo,
During these days your creative vortex continues and you also continue to emit strong signals that attract different people, projects, opportunities towards you. Use this time wisely, use the right dose of insight regarding who you bring into your life and to what and who you get connected to. Firstly, because it is likely for you to pick the fruits of your labour for a long time. And secondly - this opportunity does not come every day of the year.

The period May 1 to 31 for people who have a planet in the area:
4° - 9° Libra
After a short break the feeling of tension will start rising again, stimulated by your desire to bring another improvement in life. You'll probably run into something you will want to change. These may be things, people, activities. The clash will trigger your desire to have it or at least to correct it or fix it. Be cautious of your passion, whatever it is, so that you will not lose yourself, your standards and not create any problems for yourself.

The period May 1 to 31 for people who have a planet in the area:
15° - 21° Libra
is a time during which you will probably begin to feel, to hear and see things around you differently. Your instinct for self-preservation will work at very high speed. Pay attention to everything that seems unusual. If something suddenly starts to worry you, surely there will a problem. Similarly, if something brings you enjoyment, welcome it in your life. Do not postpone anything for tomorrow, because it might be too late. Now is the time to assess your qualities in coping with critical moments through decisive and immediate action.

The period May 20 to 30 for people who have a planet in the area:
13° - 19° Scorpio
These are days during which you will probably get the opportunity to express your creativity and uniqueness. To find the exit in an dead-end street or to pave your way through the nothingness. Do not do it just for the financial-material reward and do not give up due to lack thereof. Financial incentives are certainly desirable, but if they are the leading factors, this will only block your abilities.

Tags: Galy astrology planets zodiac signs
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