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Golden Dawn outlawed is the preference of the readers of GRReporter

15 November 2012 / 22:11:03  GRReporter
3285 reads

The majority of the readers of GRReporter are adamant that the party of extreme nationalists Golden Dawn should be outlawed as a Nazi party. The stylization of the swastika, the slogan "Foreigners out!" and the constant attacks on immigrants in Greece have proven the xenophobic profile of Golden Dawn. Declaring them an illegal organization that threatens democracy is the preference of half of the readers of the Bulgarian version of the web site, 38% of the visitors to the English version of GRReporter and 38% of our Greek fans.

Recent opinion polls in Greece suggest that the growing discontent with the economic crisis has taken the voters to extremes in politics. Our readers, who recognize that Golden Dawn’s popularity will continue to grow, have confirmed this phenomenon too. They put that answer in second place. This is the opinion of 41% of the Greek readers, 32% of the visitors to the English version, and only 18% of the voters in the poll in the Bulgarian version.

The activity of the deputies in various "campaigns" has made "The members of Golden Dawn will soon end up in jail because of their acts" the third most popular answer. 18% of the Bulgarian and English-speaking readers share this opinion whereas only 8% of the visitors to the Greek page think that it is likely for the deputies of Golden Dawn to find themselves behind the bars.

The option that the party would fulfil its threat and "clean-up Greece of foreigners as it has promised" gains the vote of every nine voters of the Bulgarian and English versions of our website, and 8% of the visitors to the Greek site. This puts the probability of Golden Dawn starting to impose more cruel practices on non-Greeks in the country in fourth place.

The readers think that it is not very likely for Golden Dawn to participate in a coalition government after the next election. This is the preference of 5% of the voters in the Bulgarian and English versions of the website and of 3% of the readers of our Greek version with news from Bulgaria.
The party, which until yesterday was considered a harmless group of hooligans who hate foreigners, received in the last parliamentary elections the support of nearly half a million Greeks. Its presence in parliament was a surprise for some, for others it was an expected result due to the long-lasting lack of a single control policy on migration, the inability of the state to control crime and the complete failure of official services to take steps to integrate the people, who have come from the third world.

It is to be seen how the neo-Nazis from Golden Dawn will develop and in the meantime, we are awaiting your votes in the new poll of GRReporter - "What do you think is the strangest Greek tradition?"


Tags: Crime newsSocietyPoliticsGolden DawnPollXenophoby
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