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Free legal help for young people

01 August 2013 / 20:08:12  GRReporter
3062 reads

Victoria Mindova

The economic crisis has not only severely affected the pockets of the Greeks, but it has also created a series of previously unknown problems related to labour relations, public administration and other issues the solution of which requires the intervention of a lawyer. At the same time, the difficult financial situation and lack of awareness of citizens about their rights and obligations brings new challenges to people in difficulty.

The new joint initiative of the General Directorate of Youth and the Association of interns and young lawyers called “Legal help for the young” will enable all citizens in Greece up to the age of 30 to use the knowledge of the legal profession for free.

"Citizens are mostly interested in this programme because of the provision of assistance in terms of resolving civil disputes and issues related to indebted families," said George Stavridis for GRReporter.

Minors who have problems with the law can also benefit from the services of the programme. They can be provided with legal protection without having to worry about paying a lawyer. Issues related to immigration and extradition from the country are also included in the list of services provided by professionals.

Young people with addictions to alcohol and drugs, who have problems with the law as a result of their condition, will also have access to these free services.

Exceptions in terms of the age limit will be made in cases of violence and trafficking of women, and young lawyers will be able to provide free services to women up to 35.

Stavridis said that 270 young lawyers and lawyers who want to become part of the project "Legal help for the young" have joined the programme so far. The programme is directly beneficial not only to citizens who are financially unable to afford legal services, but also to young lawyers who will have the opportunity to gain experience in a real working environment.

"The programme has mulitple benefits. Not only because citizens will be able to take advantage of free legal services, but also because younger colleagues will start entering the profession and receiving remuneration for their work slowly and gradually," said the specialist. He explained that, like other areas of social and economic life, the financial crisis has affected the sector of legal services, too. Young professionals have to gain significant experience before starting to receive remuneration, and with this programme their fees will be covered by the budget which is provided by the General Directorate of Youth.

In order to promote the initiative, young lawyers will launch a massive communication campaign that will include local government organisations, places of deprivation of liberty, NGOs and even the church.

What documents do you need in order to get free legal help under the programme?

1. An application form that briefly states the subject of the dispute or the need for provision of free legal aid.

2. A copy of the ID card or other valid document indicating the age of the person concerned.

3. In case it is necessary, a power of attorney should be issued for the person by the department that takes care of him or her (the probation service, the Organisation against Drugs OKANA, The National Centre For Social Solidarity, etc.)

4. An official document certifying the applicant’s financial insolvency (an unemployment card from the labour office, a copy of the tax return of the person, or of his or her parents if a minor, a certificate of social assistance, etc.)

5. An official declaration by the applicant stating previously received assistance under the programme and the circumstances of the particular case.

6. In the case of force majeure or exceptional circumstances due to which it is not possible for the person to provide the required documents, lawyers will decide whether to provide free legal assistance under the programme.

Tags: Crime news free legal aid the General Directorate of Youth
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