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Bells toll for Varoufakis

28 July 2015 / 10:07:42  GRReporter
2800 reads

The confessions of former Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis that he was developing a parallel banking system to turn the tax records of citizens from euro into drachmas with the touch of a button has provoked a storm of reactions. Yesterday, 24 members of New Democracy sent a request to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras with regard to the so-called Plan B of Varoufakis.
    After a long meeting convened by Chief Prosecutor of Greece Euterpe Koutzamani that involved senior magistrates and prosecutors, the participants decided that the Supreme Court should turn to parliament to prosecute the former Minister of Finance.
    According to the law on the criminal responsibility of ministers, the parliament must decide whether to conduct a preliminary investigation and whether to withdraw Yanis Varoufakis’ immunity of a deputy. It is expected that today the Supreme Court will turn to the Greek National Assembly.
    To recall that two lawsuits for treason have been filed against Yanis Varoufakis so far - the first by Stilida mayor and leader of the non-parliamentary Telia party Apostolos Gletsos and the second by Athenian lawyer Giannopoulos.
    Regardless of the decision of parliament, it is expected that the Supreme Court of Greece approach alone the non-political persons involved in the drafting and implementation of the plan B for the return to the drachma. One is Michalis Hatzitheodorou, Yanis Varoufakis’ childhood friend and information systems professor at the American University of Colombia, whom the former Minister of Finance had appointed Chief Secretary for Information Services. It was Hatzitheodorou who developed the scheme to hack the tax records of Greeks on his personal laptop and explained it to Varoufakis as admitted by the latter before the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, the sound recording of which GRReporter published yesterday.

    An internal investigation on the responsibility of Michalis Hatzitheodorou will be carried out by order of Secretary General for Revenue in the Greek Ministry of Finance Catherine Sawaidou. In the sound document cited, Varoufakis recognizes that, due to the independence of the Directorate for Revenue, he could not control Sawaidou who fully complied with the orders of Brussels. Therefore, he had to appoint Hatzitheodorou Chief Secretary for Information Services and to develop in this way the plan B to hack the tax records of Greeks.
    The communication by Sawaidou specifies that the purpose of the internal investigation is to establish whether someone has violated the confidentiality of tax records of citizens and, if so, to determine his guilt, according to Greek laws. She has undertaken to inform the judicial authorities and the political leadership of the country on the outcome of the investigation. It is noteworthy that Michalis Hatzitheodorou still acts as Chief Secretary for Information Services and is able to erase all evidence of the plan B developed personally by him.

Tags: Yanis VaroufakisPlan BExit from the euroReturn to the drachmaSupreme Court of GreeceCriminal liabilityHacking the tax records of Greeks
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