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The Ascendant is important but the Moon is even more important

21 April 2012 / 20:04:25  GRReporter
9799 reads

    The Moon has no enemies. No planet is willing to harm it with hostility. Jupiter is not the enemy of any planet. The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter are "gang № 1" - friends with each other. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are "gang № 2" - also friends with each other. The planets of each "gang" are neutral or hostile to those from the other "gang". The table implicates some different conclusions too. In astrology, Mars and Saturn are usually  qualified as planets bringing only trouble and ill. Here is a message to astrologers from me: see the "attitude" of these two wrongdoers to other planets. You should think it over.
    Now, I will give some details about what the Ascendant in your horoscope "tells" us. As mentioned above, it is mainly determined by the planet ruling the sign of the Ascendant. This planet can be in any of the twelve signs. It receives aspects from other planets and this will modify the general information. For example, Aries Ascendant is ruled by Mars. But Mars can be in the sign of Leo. This adds additional information. Keep this in mind. I mentioned that the Moon also plays an important role at a much deeper level. If you wish, you can read the description of the sign, in which the Moon is.
Aries Ascendant
    The ruling planet is Mars. People with this Ascendant are rarely faced with disapproval, at least not at first. Others like their enthusiasm, activity and spontaneity. These people have a strong introspective nature. It is a little difficult for them to achieve trust and confidence in their relationships. They are focused more on themselves than on others. They love meeting new people, but their interest in them does not last long. They usually rush directly to the essence of things, reach their core, see and learn something and move to the next thing. Intangibility makes them interesting enough and people like them precisely for this perhaps. People easily forgive them.
Taurus  Ascendant
    The ruling planet is Venus. People with this Ascendant are often faced with a feeling of resistance from others, with the feeling that they are not accepted. Here, there is an enormous desire for social contacts, for making a long list of friends. They try to make friends with people because of the opportunities that would be provided to them. They demonstrate conservatism and stability, extreme patience to wait for their opportunities. Sometimes, others like this very much but there is also the other extreme - to come up against high resistance. In these cases, people with Taurus Ascendant also show respect to the extremes.
Gemini Ascendant
    The ruling planet is Mercury. These people easily attract others; others often seek them for something. They are very rarely in the position to call first. Usually, their phone rings every hour and someone always has suggestions to them - from drinking a cup of coffee and chatting to more serious activities. They have a peculiar appeal to friendship and acceptance; people easily trust them. But reality is often different. Others accept them very well and like them. But in turn, they rarely and barely respond with the same attitud,e and you can be unaware of this for years.
Cancer Ascendant
    The ruling planet is the Moon. Only the Moon has no "enemies" in the face of other planets and again the Moon is hostile to the largest number of planets - three. This makes these people strange birds. They are very good at drifting people apart from themselves and at making shallow relationships. At first, they create the impression of the "saviour." And if they make the mistake to commit to promises (which they often do to be left alone) but are unable to implement them, they are faced with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, they often attract suspicion, mistrust, have a bad reputation. Actually, the problem is that they do not know how to say "No" firmly and convincingly, especially when they do not wish to get involved.

Tags: Do they like usAscendantMoonPlanetGaliAstro schoolPersonal horoscopeZodiac signs
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