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4 ways to get rid of the fat belly

28 September 2009 / 09:09:31  GRReporter
3009 reads


  1. Exercise. There are no specific exercises or sports, which will make your tummy flat. What is sure though is that exercise burns fats and the first ones to go and those around the tummy. Sit ups will improve your tummy muscles and will make it look flat. The thing, which will definitely save you from the extra kilos around the waist, is aerobics. Run, ride a bike and dance.
  2. Be careful of what you eat. Exercise helps but without right eating habits nothing will happen. Right now scientists are trying to figure out what is can be the right eating habits, which will help tummy fats to go around the butt. One thing is certain – the food we eat helps a lot for reducing weight.
  3. Make sure you get enough sleep. It is not good to either sleep too little (less than 6 hours per day) or too much (more than 8 hours per day). The short and long sleep contribute for the accumulation of cortisol in the organism. Cortisol is a stress hormone, which helps fat accumulation around the tummy.
  4. Don’t get too stressed. Find at least 15 minutes per day for relaxation, in order to decrease the cortisol levels in your blood. This way you will help your organism get rid of the fat belly. Breathe deeply, go for walks, take a bath and put worries behind your back. 
Tags: Flat belly exercise lose weightHealthMediterranean diet
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