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What is the best investment for you?

10 May 2014 / 13:05:53  GRReporter
5736 reads

Sooner or later the issue of money, wealth, possessions springs up in everyone's life and remains there for the duration of their life. We all love money. Actually, it would be more correct to say that we all love what we can obtain for money. In ancient times, when life was a kind of barter as there was no monetary system, the source of wealth was hidden mostly in the ability of people to create and offer something that others wanted and valued highly. This basic principle is valid today as well.
    Today's article is about our best investments. Dictionaries explain that investment means putting money into something the value of which will increase over time, thus bringing one profits. In fact, this means investing capital that is not only financial, in the form of money, but also personal, namely the personal resources such as skills, knowledge, abilities, which we have and use to obtain profits and accumulate wealth.
    In the world of finance and money, it has become a tradition to invest in land, real estate, securities, gold, precious stones, works of art, shares. Nevertheless, even if one has capital in the form of free money, investing in property, for example, is not always the best option for this person. Of course, he or she can do so, but it will not bring much of a profit. Sometimes the result can even be a loss. We have to invest the capital we have in the right thing, otherwise we will just waste it and suffer losses. One of the golden and eternal rules in the world of finance is as follows: find the right "object" for investment.
   Jupiter is the main planet in terms of finance and its position in the horoscope always matters when it comes to wealth and cash flows. It is called the "greatest happiness", the planet of expansion and extension, of natural wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. When ancient astrologers gave that name to it, they meant the happiness (the benefits, success, opportunities) that we obtain from the society in which we live. This planet symbolizes the content of our most important capital and the way in which it becomes a major source of wealth. I would like to clarify that capital is not only the cash and property we have. Our capital may be appearance, education, family, relatives, friends, personal talents and special skills. This capital is most easily converted into money and it brings profits.
    The positions of the Sun and Jupiter in the personal horoscope are a very important starting point in terms of what are our best investments. The Sun is the giver of light and heat; it gives life and all the blessings on earth. Therefore, one of the first things is to consider the zone in which Jupiter is positioned compared to the Sun, as it shows the best investment option. This investment has the ability to expand and grow, and to bring profits. The sign in which Jupiter is positioned is important too.
   Of course, these are not the only factors when assessing the financial situation as a whole. Our material status has several dimensions, as follows: what capital we have in life, where to invest it in order for it to bring profits, how successful we are in terms of investment (even though we do the best, sometimes it is not certain that we will achieve the maximum possible success), the prerequisites for accumulating wealth , the size of our possessions (movable and immovable), the size of the entire monetary and material flow, to which we have access, how we spend our wealth.
   In this article, I will focus on the position of Jupiter in the sign and in comparison with the Sun.
Everyone knows the Sun sign under which he or she was born. The other information you need is the sign in which Jupiter was at your birth. I will write down how Jupiter moved in the zodiac over the years but keep in mind that there may be differences and it would be best to make a precise calculation for you personally.

1950; 1962; 1974; 1986; 1998; 2010 - Jupiter in Pisces
1951; 1963; 1975; 1987; 1999; 2011 - Jupiter in Aries
1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012 - Jupiter in Taurus
1953; 1965; 1977; 1989; 2001; 2013 - Jupiter in Gemini
1954; 1966; 1978; 1990; 2002; 2014 - Jupiter in Cancer
1955; 1967; 1979; 1991; 2003; 2015 - Jupiter in Leo
1956; 1968; 1980; 1992; 2004; 2016 - Jupiter in Virgo
1957; 1969; 1981; 1993; 2005 - Jupiter in Libra
1958; 1970; 1982; 1994; 2006 - Jupiter in Scorpio
1959; 1971; 1983; 1995; 2007 - Jupiter in Sagittarius
1960; 1972; 1984; 1996; 2008 - Jupiter in Capricorn
1961; 1973; 1985; 1997; 2009 - Jupiter in Aquarius

Actually, the next most important thing is to find out in which of the twelve zones Jupiter was positioned in comparison with your Sun sign. For example, if you were born under the sign of Gemini in 1975, Jupiter was in the 11th sign counting from the Sun (this is shown in the picture above).

Tags: InvestmentMoneyWealthReal estateJupiterSunIndividual horoscopeGalyAstro school
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