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live The voting on the agreement with creditors will take place at midnight

15 July 2015 / 11:07:08  GRReporter
2131 reads

The most critical day for Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his government in the Greek parliament began at 10:00 am with the joint meeting of the parliamentary commissions of finance and social affairs, industry and commerce, and the state administration the representatives of which are carrying out the first discussion on the first package of budgetary measures and reforms that are stipulated in the agreement with creditors and that must be adopted in order for the sides to start negotiations on the third bailout.

The meeting of the commissions is scheduled to end by 12:30. At 1:00 pm, there will be a meeting of the presidium members of the Greek parliament, which according to sources will immediately determine the agenda of parliamentary work so that the plenum meeting starts at 2:00 pm.

The package of measures worth 3.5 billion euro is considered under the emergency procedure. According to the rules of Greek parliament, the meetings that deal with such emergency bills should last no longer than 10 hours. However, the government is aiming to complete the discussions earlier and hold the voting at midnight.

Meanwhile, the first protests against the new budgetary measures and reforms organized by the trade unions of public sector and municipal employees in the centre of Athens are already a fact. It is expected that they will continue throughout the day and at 7:00 pm, the protests will unite in a joint demonstrations outside the parliament building.

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Tags: PoliticsParliamentAgreement with creditorsVoting
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