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Vicky Stamatis or Akis Tsochatzopoulos’ "femme fatale"

20 April 2012 / 22:04:51  GRReporter
13311 reads

The investigation in the case of former Minister of Defence Akis Tsochatzopoulos is continuing. Each passing day, more and more new properties are being revealed, some of which are located in the most expensive districts of Athens. According to information from the electronic edition, the daughter of the former candidate for PASOK leader, which could take him to the prime minister's office, is the owner of a house of 180 sq. m in the prestigious neighbourhood of Kolonaki and an apartment of 250 sq. m in the neighbourhood of Kallithea. She is also the owner of two construction grounds. All this in addition to the other property in her name. At the same time, transactions of large sums of money to the account of Akis Tsochatzopoulos’ wife, Vicky Stamatis, in the Swiss bank UBS have been found.

Who is the woman quite a lot younger than her husband, who proved fatal for him and his whole family?

In July 2004, an impressive blue Jaguar crossed the rain-soaked streets of Paris towards the luxury hotel Four Seasons Hotel George V, just steps away from the Champs-Elysees. The wedding of Akis Tsochatzopoulos, 62 and Vicky Stamatis, 30 had just finished. An expensive diamond ring was shining on her hand.

Neither the ring, nor the Swarovski crystals that filled the hall where the wedding reception was held, could compete with the brilliant and triumphant smile on her face. For Vicky, who was born in a mountain village in the region of Fthiotida, the marriage, the reception in Paris and everything around it seemed like a fulfilment of her life expectations. It was just the happiest day of her life. No matter that a little later, her husband faced the consequences of her constant vanity. "I wonder how challenging was my wedding, attended by 15 people and my stay in Paris of two days compared to the vulgar novel about large receptions with hundreds of guests."

As for the worst moment, of the former employee of the National Power Corporation DEI, at least so far, it was yesterday, when she went to court to give evidence before the magistrate. "You, peasant woman. You cut the pensions, so you could see yourself as a grand dame," cried the angry citizens against her.

Booing her has fully justified the nickname the sellers on the street with the most expensive boutiques in the luxurious neighbourhood of Kolonaki used for her. They had been calling her this ever since Akis Tsochatzopoulos had accommodated her as his lover in a "modest" apartment in the same neighbourhood. Of course, it was literally modest compared to the house on Dionisiou Areopagitou Street worth 1.1 million euro, which she made him buy for her. So, even at that time, she bought 200 pairs of shoes per year.

Family relatives remember the face of the then minister, when one of the biggest chains selling branded and expensive shoes had sent him a bill for purchases worth 72 thousand euro. Subsequently, however, he apparently got used to this, because the weakness of his wife to the "great" life was insurmountable. Her credit card issued by the Swiss bank UBS shows that in the period 2006 – 2009, Vicky Stamatis was spending amounts reaching 180 thousand euro in some cases. Much of the money was spent for apparel and shoes offered by some of the most famous and expensive fashion houses in the world.

Once, she spent 6 thousand euro on underwear in a day. During a walk in the suburb of Kifissia, she bought all the goods of a shop. The manager and employees closed the shop in order to arrange the delivery of the things to the known address of Akis Tsochatzopoulos.

Equally "aristocratic" were her other consumer habits, which were aimed at maintaining her appearance as the most perfect of all. They included exercises with a personal trainer for 100 euro per hour in the fully equipped private gym, into which one of the rooms in the basement of the expensive house in neoclassical style had been turned. At that time, her personal hairdresser was known for taking between 500-1000 euro to style his clients' hair.

What the above examples do not reveal is Vicky’s phobia to germs. Significant is the opinion of the wife of a former minister, "Vicky loves two things: disinfection and shopping."

A beautician, who had visited her house with panoramic views of the Acropolis to offer his services, confirmed this too. He was not only forced to take off his shoes, but to clean his hands with alcohol before touching her.
However, the truth is that nobody really knows who exactly Vicky Stamatis is as she has always avoided giving interviews. The only reliable and confirmed information is that the girl from the village of Zeli started working in the Human Resources Department of DEI in 1993 and for years, she was a member of the trade union, which is under the influence of New Democracy.

She said she studied art history and in 2004, wrote a children's book called "Mystical dance of nature." Again, according to her, she had met with the once powerful politician from PASOK in 2000, when she went to ask for job in the ministry he headed.

Love was not late in igniting and blooming. First, in the "narrow" limits of Akis Tsochatzopoulos’ previous marriage and then, after its end and in public.

The only question still unanswered is whether amid his present troubles and imprisonment, Akis Tsochatzopoulos regrets his decision to open the door to his office and his little older heart for Vicky Stamatis of humble birth but of royal demands.


Tags: PoliticsAkis TsochatzopoulosVicky StamatisHousesPropertyInvestigation
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