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Two terrorists arrested after an armed robbery in Praktiker

04 May 2010 / 08:05:39  GRReporter
3851 reads

After an armed robbery in a Praktiker store on Piraeus Street in the Athenian neighborhood Tavros, Greek police captured two dangerous terrorists. According to the online edition the detained are George Nikolopoulos, wanted for involvement in the terrorist organization Conspiracy of the Fiery Nuclei, and Aris Sirinidis known anarchist, son of a General of the Greek Left and suspected of involvement in gang "black robbers”. According to another electronic edition,, the first detained was Simos Seysidis, also involved in the gang "black robbers”, for whose capture police have announced reward of €600,000. The case is led by the counter-terrorism unit and is considered a big blow to anarchist circles in the Greek capital.

In particular, on Monday evening at 08:45PM two young men rushed into Praktiker carrying arms and forced an employee working at the store’s cashier to give them an undisclosed amount of money. Under unexplained circumstances at the time they shot one of the security guards in the stomach and with the butt of the gun they began hitting another employee on the head. The injured employee Nikos Berberis, 28 years old, was admitted to a Red Cross hospital without danger to his life. Doctors say the man was "was very lucky during his misfortune”.

After the bandits took the money, they entered a parked nearby Renault Clio, driven by an unknown woman. At that time the police arrived and a car pursuit began, which was worthy of an action film. The criminals were unlucky because they hit a parked car on Isonos Street in the area of Botanikos and the engine of their car turned off. Those few seconds enabled the police to overtake them, but during this time the woman managed to escape. Both young men refused to surrender and opened fire. To counteract them, police shot one of them in the leg. Initially police thought it was 23-year-old George Nikolopoulos, who was admitted in Ipokratios hospital. Then it turned out that the shot criminal was Simos Seysidis.

Simos, along with his brother Marios Seysidis and accomplice Grigoris Tsironis are authors of a series of armed robberies from 2002 to 2006 and are connected to the terrorist organization Revolutionary Fight.

Later police captured Aris Sirinidis on Keramikos Square. Police found in them guns and hand grenades. Sirinidis was delivered to the prosecutor.

Tags: Greece Athens robbery Praktiker shot terrorism
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