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Two earthquakes in Kefalonia and Patras overnight

05 February 2014 / 10:02:49  GRReporter
2535 reads

An earthquake of 3.7 on the Richter scale rocked the Peloponnese and the Gulf of Corinth last night. According to the Geodetic Institute in Athens its epicentre was near Egialia, 25 kilometres east of Patras. According to Euro-Mediterranean Centre, the seismic magnitude of the earthquake was 4.2 and it was felt in Patras, Nafpaktos, and Corinthia.

An earthquake of 4.2 on the Richter scale last night rocked the Ionian island of Kefalonia which has been hit by constant quakes for 10 days already. The epicentre of the strong aftershock was 17 kilometres northwest of Argostoli and had a depth of 5 kilometres.

Cargo military aircrafts C-130 supplied the island with tents, sanitary materials and food on Tuesday to help the victims. Warship "Chios" is anchored at Argostoli port, providing beds for 150 people, and two soup kitchens. Another warship, "Ikaria", loaded with materials to reinforce the buildings, tried to dock at the port of Lixouri but failed to anchor and left for Sami from where the load will be transported by cars.

Tags: EarthquakeKefaloniaPatrasGeodetic Institute in AthensAftershockEpicentre
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