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Turn off the lights for The Earth Hour

27 March 2010 / 10:03:35  GRReporter
2538 reads

Tonight Greece will try to beat its record from last year by turning off the lights between 20:30 and 21:30. During that time the lights of the Acropolis, giving a sign for the support of Greece with the initiative of saving the nature.

The Earth Hour is a symbolic act of WWF against the climate changes during which we turn off the lights for one hour in our houses, public buildings and the monuments all over the world.

Again this year Greece is among the first three countries with most declared participants, since 300 municipalities have responded to the WWF invitation. More than 21 000 people have signed up on the official web site of the Earth Hour, and hundreds of thousands have declared their participation in the social networks in Internet.

Last year more than 1 million families in Greece, 489 municipalities, 1649 companies, 845 schools and 325 organizations helped for lowering the electrical consumption with 500 MW, which saved 500 million carbon dioxide. Today the initiative will be joined by the Parthenon, the monument at the Philopappou hill in Athens, the temple of Poseidon in Sounio and the temple of Hephaestus – known as Tisio. The lights will be turned off in 24 municipal buildings, the Ministry of the environment and energy.

The Athens municipality will turn off the lights of the Likavitos hill, of the city-hall building at the Kozq square, the municipality at Liossion street, of all municipality buildings and of the chimneys of the Technopolis. The Eleftherios Venizelos airport will also turn off its lights of one of the two air corridors for one hour and will reduce the lights in the buildings of the airport and the parking lots.

Let us not forget that the Earth Hours was created in 2007 in Sidney Australia when 2 million families and companies turned off their lights for one hour. A year later in the initiative 50 million people from 35 countries took part and last year more than 4000 cities in 88 countries coordinated and turned off their lights.

Tags: NewsSocietyEarth HourEnvironmentElectricity
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