Intensive processes are taking place within the Greek government hours before the ultimatum, within which it must present to creditors its agreement proposals.
According to the German newspaper Bild, Alexis Tsipras will change his coalition partner and Stavros Theodorakis’ centre-left Potami party will take the place of Independent Greeks.

After returning to Athens yesterday, Greek Prime Minister immediately met with President of Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulos. An hour later, Stavros Theodorakis was invited at the meeting as well. In his statements to the media after it, he said his party continued to support the government in the direction of reaching an agreement with creditors. To a journalist's question as to whether he would be in Brussels today, he replied, "Probably I will go abroad tomorrow."
According to the article in Bild, Theodorakis left for the Belgian capital to meet with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and discuss his upcoming participation in the Greek cabinet. The publication states that the changes had been considered several weeks in which Theodorakis had been preparing to become part of the government.
The Potami party won 6.05% of the votes in the elections on 25 January and it has 17 MPs at present. The parliamentary group of SYRIZA’s former coalition partner, the Independent Greeks party, has 13 MPs.
Read the blitz interview that Stavros Theodorakis gave to GRReporter a few days before the elections,
The information that Potami will enter the government was denied by party spokesman Dimitris Tsiodras. In a message on Twitter, he described the publication in the German newspaper as "old and well-known scenarios," adding, "Potami will not participate in the cabinet. Our priority is the salvation of Greece."