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Tsipras clears the government from the far left in SYRIZA

17 July 2015 / 21:07:38  GRReporter
2157 reads

After a two days delay, the Greek Prime Minister has finally reshuffled his office. The names of the new and the majority of present ministers were announced with a written notice shortly before 9:00 pm. Contrary to initial information, they will take an oath probably tomorrow due to the crisis caused by the large number of fires.

The main change in the composition of the cabinet is the removal of Minister of Production Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Panagiotis Lafazanis and the deputy ministers who did not vote in support of the agreement with creditors on Wednesday.

New minister in place of Lafazanis is former Minister of Employment Panos Skourletis whose previous post has been assigned to Giorgos Katrougalos, Deputy Minister of Administrative Reorganization until recently. Deputy Minister of Social Security Dimitris Stratoulis and Deputy Minister of Defence Costas Isichos who also opposed the agreement are out of the government too.

The new composition of the Greek government is the following:

Premier Minister - Alexis Tsipras

Deputy Prime Minister - Yiannis Dragasakis

Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction - Nikos Voutsis

Minister of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism - George Stathakis

Minister of Production Reconstruction, Environment and Energy - Panos Skourletis

Minister of Finance - Efklidis Tsakalotos

Minister of Culture, Education and Religion - Aristidis Baltas

Minister of Employment - Giorgos Katrougalos

Minister of Health and Social Security - Panagiotis Kouroublis

Minister of Defence - Panos Kammenos

Minister of Justice - Nikos Paraskevopoulos

Minister of State responsible for fighting corruption - Panagiotis Nikoloudis

Minister of State responsible for coordinating the work of government - Alekos Flambouraris

Minister of State - Nikos Pappas

Government Spokesperson - Olga Gerovasili

Parliamentary representatives: Nikos Phyllis, former spokesman for the cabinet Gabriel Sakellaridis and Alexandros Triandafilidis.

Independent Greeks have acquired another post in the office, namely that of Deputy Minister of Social Security that has been assigned to Pavlos Chaikalis, actor by occupation.

By decision of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, a special commission has been formed to combat corruption under the leadership of State Minister Panagiotis Nikoloudis. It will also involve Deputy Minister of Finance in charge of revenue Trifon Alexiadis, Deputy Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction Pavlos Polakis, Deputy Minister of Justice Dimitris Papangelopoulos, Deputy Minister in charge of coordinating the work of government Terence Quick (a member of Independent Greeks).

Contrary to expectations, Deputy Minister for Migration Tasia Christodulopoulou will continue to hold the same post despite the evident failure to cope with the constantly increasing influx of illegal immigrants. Because of the closure of reception and detention centres, no care is taken of new arrivals and as a result, the park Pedio tou Areos (Campus Martius) in the centre of Athens has recently turned into a camp.

Tags: PoliticsGovernment reshuffle New cabinetFar left in SYRIZAAgreement with creditors
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