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live The Third Reich became alive on Syntagma

09 October 2012 / 14:10:21  GRReporter
3329 reads

Victoria Mindova

Anger and slogans against Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel flooded downtown Athens at noon. Tens of thousands of Greeks had gathered in the central Syntagma Square outside the parliament to express their opposition to the fiscal adjustment measures coming with the aid package from Europe and the International Monetary Fund.

Unionists from local government organizations demonstrated particular theatricality and their procession was preceded by a small jeep and three workers dressed in the military uniforms of the Third Reich. A Nazi salute and yelling caused euphoria and applause among the protesters around who were shouting "Merkel-out!"

After the procession of public sector workers, representatives of the trade union of the Greek Communist Party KKE-PAME followed. They met on Omonia Square shortly after 1pm to merge later with the general protest on Syntagma. PAME’s members were chanting the familiar slogan, "Go, folks! Do not bow your head. The only way is to fight again." There was a small group of supporters of the anarchist movements in the square in front of the parliament, who seemed calm at about 2 pm. They were holding red-and-black flags and shouting, "Greeks, Turks, Macedonians – the enemies are in the banks and the ministries."

Supporters of the parliamentary opposition SYRIZA had gathered before the National Assembly in the early hours. They greeted with cheers the radical left leader Alexis Tsipras, who said, "Today, Merkel comes to Athens to support her 'merkelists' - Samaras, Venizelos and Kouvelis." He said Greece must not become Europe’s guinea pig and supported the protesters. Then, he left to go towards the entrance of the parliament.

Tags: SocietyStrikesProtestsAthensMerkelThird ReichTsipras
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