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Tensions in the Aegean Sea

12 January 2014 / 12:01:38  GRReporter
3054 reads

Greek and Turkish military boats have almost collided near the small uninhabited rocky island of Zourafa in the Aegean Sea. The Greek coast guard was accompanying Greek fishing vessels near Alexandroupolis and the island of Samothrace both by sea and by air in a helicopter. A Turkish military boat was also guarding Turkish fishermen who were fishing in Greek territorial waters.

Witnesses claimed that at a certain point the Turkish boat and the Greek coastguard got so close to each other that they almost crashed. Afterwards, the two vessels departed, and the Turkish ships returned to their territorial waters.

Greek fishermen claimed that this was not the first time that their Turkish colleagues have entered Greek territorial waters and caught their fish.

Tags: Aegean Sea Turkish military boats Greek Coast Guard fishermen Zourafa Samothrace Alexandroupolis
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