We all know how good superfoods are for us and that the greater their diversity in our menu, the more benefits we reap. But which are the superfoods of the New Year?
From algae and seeds to fruits and vegetables, superfoods have often been bandied about in recent years. All nutritionists talk about and recommend them.
Remember, however, that you don't have to consume them every day and all the time. The crucial thing is to go with what your body wants, which might vary with the seasons and months. According to how you feel, you will find out if they are good for you and when you might take some time away from them. offers six of the New Year 's superfoods.

Its taste is reminiscent of .... a lake. In fact, it is a cyanobacterium or, somewhat imprecisely, blue-green microalgae. It is an exclusive source of iron, which makes it ideal for women who lose a lot of blood during their cycle and suffer from iron and ferritin deficits. Spirulina has a high calcium content, which exceeds 20 times that of milk. Finally, spirulina is a good source of protein and is recommended especially for vegans. You can add it to your smoothy, to a salad or dish if you find it in the form of flakes.

Foods, which have undergone fermentation – such as sauerkraut and kefir – have become very popular as of late, and are believed to perform miracles for people with stomach problems. Their probiotic properties warrant a healthy intestinal system, rich in good bacteria rather than in bad ones, which come from eating sugar and processed foods and lead to irritable bowel syndrome. Kefir attracted the interest of nutritionists several years ago, and 2016 seems bound to see it triumph. This is a dairy product, milk fermented by kefir grains. Its taste reminds us of something halfway between milk and yogurt, it is sour, and is like thin yoghurt. You can mix it with cocoa, banana or almond oil for a refreshing smoothie.

It reminds us of our favourite hot chocolate, but it is about time to put paid to that confusion. Cocoa is a raw, unprocessed chocolate without milk or sugar. It is perfect for those moments when you feel like a bit of chocolate as well as for your smoothies with vegetables, as its taste tends to prevail over theirs. With its high content of magnesium – a metal with anti-stress properties – cocoa offers you a way out of anxiety and insomnia. And if all this is not enough, cocoa helps to reduce and balance blood pressure; it also contains anandamide, which elevates your mood.

Most know it from The Little Prince. But here we are talking about the fruits of this African tree, which are super healthy. They have an exceptionally high vitamin C content, making them a great boost for the immune system every time it combats the flu. Fibre helps maintain the body's energy, improves our digestion and has a satiating effect. The baobab pedigree doesn't stop there. Its fruits have more calcium than spinach, they are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols and possess strong anti-inflammatory properties. Its taste is somewhere between pineapple and melon.

Chlorella is yet another green algae like spirulina. It is known for its detoxifying properties, as it is capable of removing the unwanted metals we consume along with food. Besides, chlorella is a natural constipation treating device. It also helps in the fight against obesity, diabetes and heart disease; it provides a boost to the immune system.

This seaweed is outstandingly nutritious and rich in vitamins. Which is why it is gaining popularity among superfoods. It boasts a high iodine content, and we need iodine for the good functioning of the thyroid and pituitary glands, which are responsible for metabolite regulation. Kelp also has diuretic properties helping those whose bodies are prone to retain fluids. You can find it in Japanese restaurants or sushi bars, as well as in organic product retailers. It is also sold as powder so you can add it to soups and smoothies.