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Soros donates heating fuel to schools, parents do not want it

12 December 2013 / 11:12:45  GRReporter
2437 reads

The association of parents and trustees of the pupils in the town of Naoussa in northern Greece has refused to accept 20 tons of heating fuel donated by the Open Society Institute funded by George Soros. The chairman of the association, Manolis Galitis, told the website that the parents themselves could buy fuel with their own money in order for their children not to feel cold but were not doing so because this was the obligation of the state and it had to pay for the fuel.
    "The proposal of Soros to donate heating fuel seems suspicious to us. Why has this rich philanthropist suddenly thought of the pupils in Naoussa? The explanation that the donation is gratuitous is not convincing. We are sure that he will want something in return and therefore we have refused the aid. We do not want our children to be involved in such a game. We do not want handouts," says Manolis Galitis.

     In late November, the Greek media warned that schools in many places around the country were running out of heating fuel. Mayor of Naoussa Thassos Karabadzos had even warned that the pupils in his municipality would have classes in the cold before the Christmas vacation. According to him, the 20 tons of heating fuel donated by Soros will not solve the heating problem of the schools during the winter but they will secure the necessary fuel, at least temporarily. The mayor claims that the Open Society Institute has donated not only to Naoussa but also to other municipalities.
    Thassos Karabadzos has also announced that the decision of the association of parents and trustees is not binding. The tank with the 20 tons of heating fuel will arrive in Naoussa in the coming days and he will accept it.

Tags: NaoussaGeorge SorosOpen Society InstituteHeating fuelDonationParentsPupilsSchools
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