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Shipping magnate saves himself from kidnapping at the last minute

12 December 2013 / 22:12:05  GRReporter
5940 reads

The Greek police are carrying out a major operation in the southern suburbs of Athens to find the perpetrators of the attempted kidnapping of Andreas Martinos, aged 33, who escaped from it at the last moment. He is the son of famous shipping magnate Ioannis Martinos.

It all happened at around 3:30 pm when he was leaving the company parking lot in the suburb of Voula, seeing a van in front of his car and a car behind it, which were trying to prevent him from setting off.

Andreas Martinos was able to slip away from the ambush by shifting into reverse and hitting the car that was behind, thus causing it to catch fire, and managed to re-enter the parking lot. A little later, the police found parts of the van, which had also burnt.

After the attack, the fire service was informed about fires in two cars, one of which was a van. The car was in the suburb of Voula and the van in the neighbouring suburb of Vouliagmeni.

The authorities suggest that the attackers had set fire to the cars to destroy their fingerprints and other genetic material that could be found in them and then subsequently had escaped in another car that they had parked in the region in advance in order to use it if their attempt to kidnap the ship owner failed.

Tags: Crime newsAttempted kidnappingAndreas MartinosShipping tycoon
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