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Sakis Rouvas - Σπάσε το χρόνο and the fire in Club S

07 March 2010 / 11:03:04  GRReporter
3564 reads

He is may be the most loved pop music singer in Greece. Not only young people, but also the older ones like him and he answers back with the same. Sakis Rouvas – the singer causing the show business to chit chat that he is a volcano of energy is again on the top of the wave with his new video Σπάσε το χρόνο. Very dynamic and passionate, however this time more concealed and moderate. Σπάσε το χρόνο reflects the strong side of the singer – his expressiveness and emotionality. This is a real contemporary and attractive video which shows us Sakis as we have never seen and knew him before. The video became a hit right away and with it the singer managed ones again to climb the stairs towards… the hearts of his fans.

This happy moment unfortunately was shaded by the fire in the singer’s bar – S Club. In the bar which is located at the corner of the streets Vuliagmenis and Vurvahi the singer was singing along with Tamta, Gifted, the band CABIN 54 and Elevteria from X-Factor II. The causes for the fire have not yet been entirely clarified (according to the police most probably we are talking about incendiary fire) and the bar of course is no longer working. Before journalists Sakis mentions about the meaning of the material damages which the fire has caused, however he puts the stress on his anxiety about the people who live in the building… This is one of the few moments when we can see the singer without having his usual smile. A smile which makes his fans love him and his enemies envy. A smile behind which stands a man who I all the time looked for. Because this is exactly the spirit of Sakis. He is not afraid of the challenges, it is exactly on the contrary – he strives for them and searches them and as he said many times he finds himself through them. A singer, an actor and a host of a television show, participant in the charity organization “Hope” for financial support of the first oncological hospital for children and not at the last place a father… (wonderful father according to the words of his beloved Katia Zigouli). We could also call him a dreamer. However from the type who turn their dreams in reality…

His strong desire for new challenges drove him to the creation of the X-Factor show. In the X-Factor he literary went for it while the participants in the show and the television viewers didn’t really understand that these are the first steps of the singer in the television… The award of the magazine for men Status which in the beginning of last month nominated Sakis for singer of the year, was handed to him not by anybody else, but by one of his colleagues in X-Factor.

For journalists Sakis says he wants to discover all of his faces and that is why he is looking for new challenges. In this way the charming Sakiswho does not exit the charts for best performer and the most sexy man is not afraid to risk his image and to turn even into a serial killer with an angel face (we are talking about the movie Duress, Στα Άκρα). The movie which was presented during the festival in Cannes and at the festival in Thessaloniki scored a true success and even the most skeptical critics who doubted the actors’ qualities of a “constantly smiling” singer couldn’t stop themselves from making positive comments. The faith of the movie Alter Ego in which the singer takes part again is quite similar.

About himself and about the cinema art Sakis says the following: “A man could be anything. The road we take we choose alone and each one of us in every moment could be entrapped in an extreme situation if the circumstances require it”. “Regardless of the fact in which movie you see me staring I always play real, authentic. I never pretend” comments further his work in the cinema. He also says about himself that nothing in his life was ever granted to him and everything he has he worked for very hard. About his secret of success he claims it is in the fact that he has learned quite well to work with himself, even at the price of some personal conflicts and that he develops himself professionally as well as personally.

The huge success which Sakis had with his song “Shake it” in the Eurovision in 2004 literary gave wings to the singer. When however 6 years later his song “This is our night” filled with the same passion and devotion did not qualify Greece at the position which everybody expected, Sakis commented on his failure as follows: “Things like this happen in life. Some times it is good, sometimes bad.” Who dares to say that the constantly seeking new challenges singer does not manage to keep his balance?

Tags: Sakis Rouvas music
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