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Sacred dispute about Golden Dawn

31 October 2012 / 22:10:28  GRReporter
5432 reads

Golden Dawn continues to sow the seeds of discord in the Greek Orthodox Church. Metropolitans have started to split into two camps: supporters and opponents of xenophobes.

After the Archbishops of Siatista and Sisani, who opposed their attacks against immigrants, Archbishop Ieronymos also said, "The Church loves all people, white and black, and non-Christians. It loves all people. It also follows its path and does not need guards," he said when asked whether there were political parties in Greece that protected the Church.

Golden Dawn was quick to take up the gauntlet. A message of the party states, "Ilias Kasidiaris, in turn, expressed his regret over the fact that the Archbishop is dabbling in politics and opposes Golden Dawn. Laity, however, tell us to continue the fight. Laity and faithful people are on our side. This support gives us strength in the national cause for which we fight."

Two days ago, the "strong" youths in black clothes found another admirer in the face of the Archbishop of Kalavrita, Amvrosios. In his letter to the media, he even advised the party members how to improve their style. The reason for the letter that was particularly angry about the radical left SYRIZA was a message by the branch of the party in Egio, according to which the Archbishop would have sanctified the offices of Golden Dawn in the city.

Amvrosios said he would not perform the ceremony in person, but the abbot of the historic monastery, Taxiarches Egialias, would represent him. Having said angrily, "SYRIZA will not determine my life," the Archbishop gave his advice to the members of Golden Dawn.

"If they want to help Greece, they should leave aside the enthusiasm of novices and the excitement of election success, because they lead them to wrong actions. How can we forget that notorious commandment "Stand to attention" that hurt them so much?

It is good for them to remember that nowadays, a great love of the homeland is considered a sin and the term "nationalist", although it should be praise, unfortunately is a "stain" that is being easily stuck on those who love Greece."

"If you change your style, i.e. if you mature, you will be able to become a sweet hope for the desperate citizens and a quiet force in the rotten political system," was the advice of the Archbishop.

Amvrosios declared himself against his fellow archbishops who took a stand against the actions of Golden Dawn, saying that if parliament outlawed the party he would be the first to give a "strong kick".

The priest, who had consecrated a few days ago the party office in the Athens suburb of Alimos, expressed his support to the extreme nationalists. In his statements to the supporters of the party after the ceremony, he urged them to continue "fighting for our country, religion and ideals and against the crisis of values, which is the scourge of Greek society."

Tags: PoliticsGolden DawnChurchMetropolitans
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