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Public opinion gives a clear advantage to New Democracy

25 September 2011 / 14:09:44  GRReporter
6520 reads

A clear advantage for New Democracy, but also a large percentage of people still undecided whom to vote for, show three opinion polls published in the media. The opposition party is ahead of the ruling party by 4.3 to 6 percentage points.

More precisely, in a survey conducted by ALCO for the newspaper "First Topic" New Democracy is ahead of PASOK by 5.8%, by collecting 21.3 percent of the votes. For the governing party PΑSOK have voted 15.5% of the respondents, the Communist Party ΚΚΕ approaches 7.4%, the nationalist party LAOS - 5.6%, the leftist coalition SYRIZA - 5%, the conservative party DISI - 2.2%, the new Left Party DIMAR - 2.5%, the Green party of the Ecologists- 3.5%, the party of the independent members of Parliament Yannis Dimaras and Vassilis Ikonomou "Arma politon" - 1.6%, 3.3% of respondents have chosen other parties and 32.6% were undecided. After the calculation of the valid votes the difference between New Democracy (29.3%) and PASOK (21.3%) reached 8 points.

As it becomes clear from the same poll, 79% of the voters believe that victims of citizens from the past 12 months have gone in vain, and 6 out of every 10 respondents fear they will lose their jobs.

According to the poll conducted by PULSE for the newspaper "Sunday Press", New Democracy is ahead of PASOK by 6 percentage points by collecting 21.5 percent of the votes, then follow: PASOK - 15,5%, ΚΚΕ - 9%, LAOS - 5.5%, SYRIZA - 5%, Ecologists Greens - 2.5% DIMAR - 3%, DISI - 2%, "Arma politon" - 2%, other parties - 4%, and those who have stated that they will vote with a white ballot, or have not yet decided, reach 30%.

Mobilization of PASOK is 36% and of New Democracy - 60%. 59.5% of the respondents did not identify as a better choice for a Prime Minister either of the two leaders Papandreou and Samaras, while the leader of the opposition collects 24 percent of the votes and the Prime Minister - 15%.

An advantage of 4.3 points for New Democracy shows also the poll conducted by RASS for the newspaper "Present." The attitudes towards the vote show that PASOK collects 20.8 percent of the votes and New Democracy - 25.1 percent. They are followed by ΚΚΕ with 8%, LAOS with 5.2%, SYRIZA with 4.1%. A percentag, allowing entry into parliament, gather the Democratic Left - 3.2%, and the environmentalists-Greens - 3.1%. DISY collects 2.6% and 1.5% is for "Arma politon".

In this survey again there is a large percentage of voters who have not yet decided whom they will vote for - 20.7%, and white-invalid ballots will be 2.9%. According to the newspaper, a new situation is created in the governing party, as PASOK voters say that the Party would have more chances to win, led by Evangelos Venizelos, who collected 28.7 percent of the votes against the current party leader Papandreou, who collected 11.7 percent of the votes. 51.3 percent of the voters respond "neither of them."

Meanwhile, two members of PASOK Odysseas Vuduris and Thanassis Ikonomou sent an open letter to the Prime Minister, in which they raise the question of the resignation of those who either can not withstand tension, or hesitate in the implementation of government decisions, or put first their personal interests .

The two lawmakers said, however, that they support the government and they do not believe that the situation has reached stalemate. As they say, simply the decisions have not advanced at the pace that they should have according to them.

The open letter of the two members of parliament reads:

"The challenges of the times in which we live are extremely critical. Beyond the anxiety and the inability of most of society to meet the economic burden, no one ignores the painful consequences of a possible bankruptcy and no one can underestimate the irreversible consequences for Greece. Greek people and government have so far managed to avoid uncontrolled developments. While the opinion of the opposition has not lived up to the situation. Conditions require national mobilization and the historical Leftist parties continue with their protest of stereotypical rhetoric and good wishes.

New Democracy, in turn, pursues its only goal - its leader to become at any cost Prime minister of Greece, by refusing to understand that "renegotiation" of new loans means a new contract, but with more unfavorable conditions. The statement of Mr. Samaras that he wants other rounds of elections as many as necessary, reminds the ambitious emperors of the late Roman Empire, who strive for the throne rather than fighting the invasion of the barbarians.

Greece however does not deserve such a fate. Avoiding bankruptcy, while continuing the European course of our country is the only acceptable prospective. We consider it to be our duty to support this perspective. Still, in order for the support for the government efforts to make sense and those efforts to meet the normal concerns of citizens, we should clarify the conditions under which they must be implemented.

There are three main prerequisites:

Commitment to results: Stringent saving measures must be clearly linked to a specific goal which will be a definite and firm commitment. A goal wich will literally be a "contract" with the citizens: for the country to achieve a primary surplus in the spring of 2012, continuing the development, which resulted in the reduction of the primary deficit from 24 billion in 2009 to 11 billion euros in 2010 and nearly 2 billion euros in 2011. This position is a necessary prerequisite for the development of the country. Indeed, the great "sick man" of the Greek society is the public sector. Achieving this goal will prove that the Greek public sector is viable. The positive balance for the first time in 12 years will pave the way for utilization of the many opportunities that our country has.

Tags: New Democracy PASOK poll advantage elections ALCO PULSE RASS
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