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Protesters clash with police on Alexis’s murder anniversary, Athens downtown

06 December 2009 / 18:12:07  GRReporter
3332 reads


Emanuela Karastoyanova

Thousands of Athenians gathered today in front of the former building of the University to honor Alexis Grigoropoulos murder anniversary. “Down with government and state terrorism!”, “Unfairness goes on, riots are necessary!”, “December 6 was just the beginning!”, “We are not done, we’ve hardly started!” These were some of the slogans raised by thousands of demonstrators in Athens downtown, where events were taking last year’s route.

A year later, police had to fight vandalism again, spreading tear-gas, and the first bomb was thrown at the very beginning of the gathering. A year ago, on this day, Alexis Grigoropoulos was shot dead by a policeman in Ekzarchia. The incident caused violent riots lasting more than a month.

Students participating in youth revolutionary organizations were giving out flyers informing on forthcoming events in December. They are calling themselves “the December generation” and appeal for participation in the meeting between young people from Argentina, Italy and Turkey scheduled for December 11 under the name “The Greek December and the international revolution.”

Various participants were present at the meeting- students and adults- rioting against the government and the economic state of the country. “Crisis is for capitalists and government to pay, not workers”- such slogans were seen in front of the parliament building.

Tags: Alexis Grigoropoulos murder riots anniversary
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