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live Pro-European support in anticipation of the agreement

09 July 2015 / 20:07:27  GRReporter
2178 reads

GRReporter team: Maria S. Topalova, Anastasia Balezdrova

Thousands of Athenians gathered in the central Syntagma Square to demonstrate their support for the pro-European future of Greece and its staying in the euro zone.

While the Greek government and the other political forces in the country are hectically negotiating to draw up a united proposal to creditors, ordinary citizens gathered in the square outside the parliament, chanting slogans such as "Greece, Europe, Democracy".

An adult citizen tried to break through the police cordon to wave the Greek flag but the police stopped him.

There was a clash between reporters and citizens at the beginning of the otherwise peaceful demonstration that the police managed to thwart too.

The people are apparently anxious, low spirited, mostly commenting between each other the damage that the closed banks and imposed capital controls are inflicting to the economy and the country. Politicians from the pro-European parties were in the square too, among ordinary citizens:

MP from New Democracy and former Minister Adonis Georgiadis was there too.

PASOK MP and former Minister Andreas Loverdos attended the demonstration as well.

Former spokesman of the Foreign Ministry and current MP from New Democracy George Koumoutsakos was among the people as well.

The other slogans that were heard in Syntagma Square were, "Agreement here and now!" and "We will not leave the square without an agreement!"

A lot less people attended the demonstration in view of the crucial moment for Greece.

Tags: Pro-European supportSyntagma Square
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