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Prespa agreement to be signed on February 2, 2010

30 November 2009 / 12:11:33  GRReporter
5209 reads

Greece, Albania and Macedonia will sign an agreement for protecting and developing the Prespa region. The PMs of the three countries had an unofficial meeting in the Greek part of Prespa.

Giorgos Papandreou, Sali Berisha and Nikola Gruevski agreed to tightly cooperate in the management of the water resource and in limiting pollution in the region. They will work together in preserving the biological diversity of Lake Prespa. The measures in these guidelines will be undertaken within the framework of preserving territorial integrity, goodwill and common benefit. The intentions are for common strategies and policies, which will promote agriculture, tourism and fishing. The three countries will shape their decisions in an agreement, which will be signed on February 2, 2010 – global day of water basins and the 10 year anniversary of Prespa park.

The fourth side of the contract will be the EU. Signing this contract will continue the agreement from 2000 of the PMs back then of the three countries. The agreed upon decisions of the three PMs will be announced to the UN Chief Secretary, to the EC, to the European environment commissioner and to the PM of Denmark, which will be hosing the UN international conference in December. The interest around the meeting was great because of the expected conversation between Papandreou and Gruevski regarding the name of the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia. The government spokesman said that the negotiations on this topic will be done strictly as part of the UN framework and added that the road of FYROM to Europe passes through solving its name issue.

Meanwhile, on the eve of the three-side meeting in Skopje, Carl Bildt arrived unexpectedly - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, currently chairing the European Union. He welcomed the initiative for the meeting between the three neighbors.

Tags: Lake Prespa agreement Giorgos Papandreou Nikola Gruevski Sali Berisha
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