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Populism is the weapon of social parasitism

08 April 2013 / 18:04:02  GRReporter
5272 reads

"The only way to overcome populism once and for all is education. If children learn in their early years what the proper behaviour is and if the correct principles and values influence them, they would hardly resort to such vicious and destructive practices."

"I am an optimist by nature and I think that it is not necessary to collapse to understand how disastrous the consequences of populism are. I think that the existence of a critical mass of people who are aware of this is enough to change the situation," was the opinion of Professor Dimitrakos.

The debate paid attention to the role of the media, which are largely responsible for the establishment of populism as a leading ideology. "The only way to overcome populism once and for all is education. If children learn in their early years what the proper behaviour is and if the correct principles and values influence them, they would hardly resort to such vicious and destructive practices," said Takis Theodoropoulos.

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