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The political future of Dora Bakoyannis through the eyes of the readers of GRReporter

24 December 2010 / 17:12:15  GRReporter
5294 reads

Dora Bakoyannis is one of the most - controversial political figures in Greece, who were at the epicenter of the media interest in the already ending year 2010. Over the past 12 months she was able to induce her disassociation from New Democracy and to establish her own Democratic Alliance.

After losing the battle for the presidency of New Democracy to Antonis Samaras, Dora Bakoyannis said that she is a "fighter" and she will remain in the party, while all the commentators argued that her exiting from the party is a matter of time. Their predictions were confirmed when Dora Bakoyannis de facto forced the party leadership to disassociate her in May after her positive vote in the voting on the memorandum of economic aid between Greece and the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission, contrary to the party line.

In the Democratic Alliance Dora Bakoyannis was followed by several members of New Democracy. Analysts believe that the party has great chances to manage to enter the Greek Parliament at the next election.

The questions in the survey, which GRReporter set for the month of December affect the political future of Dora Bakoyannis. The results of the votes of readers attract much interest. But even more impressive is the fact that the opinions of the readers of the three language versions of GRReporter differ very much.

Here are the poll questions:

What will be Dora Bakoyannis’ political future?:

1. She will be the first female prime minister of Greece;
2. Her party will enter the Parliament, but will stand in opposition long;
3. She will return to New Democracy after some time;
4. She will raise grandchildren and write memoirs.

In the Bulgarian version of the site have voted a total of 141 readers, 60% of whom believe that Dora Bakoyannis will manage to become the first woman prime minister in Greece and only 6% of them think that she will return again in New Democracy. The difference between the votes given for the other two questions is within 3%: 18% of the readers expect her party to enter the Parliament and 15% that Dora Bakoyannis will indulge in taking care of grandchildren and writing memoirs.

In the English version the votes of the 132 respondents are much more divided. There, 36 percent of the voters believe that Dora Bakoyannis will be able to fulfill the dream of her father Konstantinos Mitsotakis to see her as the head of the government, but for other 30% her future does not include active participation in the political life. In the English-language survey the percentage of people believing that Dora Bakoyannis will not stay for long outside New Democracy is 18%. It is only two points higher than the number of readers, according to whom the Democratic Alliance will become a parliamentary force, but will remain in opposition for a long time.

In the Greek version have voted the least number of readers, but the results are quite different from the other two. There only 16% of the voters believe the party of Dora Bakoyannis will enter parliament. Votes for the points that she would be the first woman prime minister and that in time she will return to her original party are respectively 21% and 20%. In contrast to this 43% believe that the former minister of Foreign Affairs and former mayor of Athens will write her memoirs and will take care of the grandchildren.

Right after the Christmas Holidays GRReporter will publish a new, survey poll about the year 2010. Through it we will attempt to determine the most positive and most negative of the characters that drew in one way or another, our attention this year. We look forward to your votes.

Merry Christmas!

Tags: Politics poll results Dora Bakoyannis people
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