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People with masks attack police officers and underground ticket inspectors

15 December 2015 / 12:12:30  GRReporter
2319 reads

A group of about 20 people with covered faces attacked DIAS police officers on Patission Street in Athens on Monday evening. According to the Greek media, they were anarchists who participated in a motorcycle cavalcade. They organized an ambush and then attacked with stones, pieces of wood and other objects the motorized policemen who were nearby.

One policeman was wounded in the face and arm during the attack but his general condition is good. With help from his colleagues, he was able to withdraw from the place where he was attacked.

According to one version of what happened, which is under investigation, the policemen were on Patission Street to investigate a road accident, although this type of accident does not fall within the responsibility of this kind of police squad. The second version is that the DIAS officers were ordered to follow from a distance the motorcycle procession of anarchists.

At the same time, another group of about 10 people, who wore hoods and helmets and probably participated in the anarchist procession, attacked and beat up three public transport ticket inspectors. The attack took place at Omonia station of the Athens underground. The victims were transported to Evangelismos hospital where they were given first aid.

Tags: Crime newsAttackAnarchistsMotorcycle procession of anarchistsBeating policemen and ticket controllers
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