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Pensions in alphabetical order and until there is money

01 July 2015 / 10:07:06  GRReporter
2593 reads

Greek banks have announced that they will pay pensions in alphabetical order. This is an original practice in Greek financial history, which has no precedent. The National Bank of Greece and Eurobank have announced that today, Wednesday, 1 July, they will only pay pensions to people with last names from A to I, on Thursday from K to M and on Friday from N to the end of the alphabet.

The saddest part is that elderly Greeks had queued outside bank branches since early morning and learnt from reporters that actually pensions would be paid in alphabetical order. Many of them were angry, abused the government, while others simply wept with grief and despair.

By decision of the government, over 900 branches of four Greek banks, the National Bank of Greece, Piraeus, Eurobank and Alpha Bank throughout the country will operate, so that pensions reach the payees. Of course, we are talking about a reduced pension of 120 euro per person per week, not about full pensions. Financiers point out that there are bank branches with more than 4,000 accounts of pensioners, which may be served within 3 days.

Tags: Greek pensionersPayment of pensionsQueues at banks
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