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Olympiacos-Panathinaikos 3:2

11 May 2010 / 09:05:20  GRReporter
2917 reads

Emanuela Karastoyanova

With 3-2 for the white-reds ended the A1 finals match between volleyball teams of Olympiacos and Panathinaikos, which was played on a court in Glyfada. With its victory last night the team of Olympiacos took a lead of 2-1. Only one step separates the team from the title of champion of the country. 

The meeting between the two teams was extremely dynamic. Although the green team played at home with the great support of hundreds of excited fans, they failed to achieve the desired result. Their loss is due partly to the new addition to the team. They gave their best and were too close to victory. However, the absence of the key player Hristofidelis was obvious... 

The team of Olympiacos played with passion and a lot of will. At times it was losing, but definitely not psychologically. The fight continued and few people could have stood the pressure... 

The match began with lead of the guests. They started a very dynamic game with a thought through attack. Players Djuric and Miljkovic were in a very good shape last night. The greens in turn made many mistakes. This helped the guests to gain advantage. Agamez and Samika were those who at the end of the first set caught up with some points. The set finished with 25-21 for the guests. 

The second set began with a visible change in attitudes of the hosts. They greeted the ball better and eliminated the mistakes of the previous set. They led by 16-12. However, the won lead by the green acted as a cold shower for Olympiacos. With a strong serve attacks the white-reds managed to regain the lost ground and win back the lead. But new turn of events occurred in the result. The greens, lead by Agamez again took the lead. The set finished with a 25-27 for the guests. 

During the third set the greens showed an extremely motivated game. Although they started with weak play and big result difference, methodically and with great desire, they make up and even passed the white-reds. So with zeal and dedication they managed to win the set, which ended with a score of 25-23. 

During the fourth set the guests were those who made their revolution on the court. They were in the same shape they were in the beginning of the game and managed to win the set, and this meant the teams had to play the tie break. In a very dramatic last part both teams went hand in hand in the result... However, the white-reds were the ones who had the last word... The set finished with 15-10 for the guests. 

Panathinaikos (Kazazis): Lapas, Zagoumni, Agamez, Samika, Smaragdis, Hadziantoniou, Papadimitriou, Psaras, Donas, Minoudis, 

Olympiacos (Kalmazidis): Kunnari, Tischer, Andreadis, Djuric, Miljkovic, Caldeira, Stefanou, Soultanopoulos, Kyriazis, Kouzounis

Tags: Olympiacos Panathinaikos Greece sports volleyball
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