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Rhythms from Russia in Corfu

27 June 2009 / 12:06:53  GRReporter
2069 reads

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It is all set for the meeting of NATO and Russia and for the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, starting today afternoon on the Greek island Corfu. Over 50 are the foreign-affair ministers in the meeting scheduled to take place at Corfu Imperial, strictly guarded by water, air and land, at which strong dominance of the Russian diplomacy is expected with the USA secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, not present. At the same time, anti-globalists are preparing protests under the slogan “We are all foreigners in the world.”

Today, at 2 PM, the meeting between NATO and Russia begins- the first one after the crisis between the organization and the Kremlin following the war in Georgia last summer. Russia will be represented by the minister of foreign affairs, Sergei Lavrov, who will make another attempt in explaining the president Dmitriy Medvedev’s reasons for the new security structure in Europe he proposed. The United States representative will be the deputy secretary of state James Steinberg, since the secretary of state, Hillary Clinton broke her arm and cancelled her participation on the event. Many of the analyzers, however, believe that Clinton’s accident is simply an excuse not to attend the meeting. The actual reason is believed to be USA’s lack of position on Medvedev’s proposal. The American point of view on the new security structure of the European Union will most likely be announced by President Barack Obama himself, during his visit to Moscow in July.

Right after the end of NATO- Russia meeting, unofficial meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe member states is going to take place. It was intended to launch a vast dialog on the organization’s future and future European stability. Among the nearly 50 ministers participating in the forum are those of Bulgaria- Ivailo Kalfin, Turkey- Ahmet Davutoglu, Germany- Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Controversy among the Greek media was caused by the participation of Macedonia’s minister of foreign affairs Antonio Milošoski, who was allowed to arrive at Corfu on the governmental jet of Macedonian Airlines MAT, with Republic of Macedonia’s state-symbols, not recognized by the Greek state, on the side. The airplane, however, turned out to have technical problems, and Milošoski will arrive at Corfu by car.

Meanwhile, Corfu is preparing for the anti-globalist protests which dimensions are not yet clear. The anti-globalist organizations have already managed to hang a huge poster on the Old Fortress, saying “We are all foreigners in the world,” opposing this way to the restrictive immigration policy of the European member states. NATO and OSCE meetings are taking place under tremendous security measures. Four military ships are guarding Corfu Imperial, where the meetings are going to be held. Helicopters and policemen, in uniform or civil, are guarding the hotel by air and land.  

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