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PASOK 4% ahead of New Democracy

08 June 2009 / 17:06:09  GRReporter
2210 reads

After counting over 99.06% of the votes of the Greek voters, the polls showed that the socialist party PASOK took 36.67% of the total votes. The governing New Democracy won 32.31% of the total votes. Now, the two biggest Greek parties will send 8 parliament members to the European parliament. Third place is taken by the Greek Communist party with 8.34% of the votes. Following are the nationalistic party LOAS with 7.14% and the Radical Coalition with 4.69%. The believed to be “the big elections’ surprise” – the Green ecologists did not do as well as expected and they won 3.48% of the total votes.


The battle between the two big parties in Athens and Thessaloniki was questioned. New Democracy won in the first Athenian region with 30.39%, followed by PASOK with 30.01%. The socialists won the first electoral region in Pieria with 32.44%, followed by the governing party with 31.03%. PASOK gathered the most votes in the second electoral region in Athens and Pieria. In Thessaloniki the two biggest parties share one victory each on the different electoral regions.


The biggest winner on yesterday’s elections in Greece was the low activity vote, which reached the unseen for the Greek reality percentages – 48%. This is above the European average of 43%. For comparison - the low activity in the previous elections for European parliament was 36.8% - with more than 10% less.


Based on a survey done by Kappa Research, New Democracy managed to mobilize only 76.3% of the constant electorate and PASOK – 86.4%. This means that nearly 1 400 000 people, who have voted in 2007 for the governing party New Democracy, have not went to vote this year. The loss of New Democracy did not turn into victory for PASOK, which is also losing votes – 900 000 people, who in 2007 voted for the socialist party and now did not show up to the election polls. The low activity in the elections has taken a significant number of votes from the small parties as well.


As a comment on the results of the election, the PM Costas Karamanlis said that he is not satisfied and that those results show the citizen’s disappointment from politics. He stressed that his team will remain loyal to the reform policy for strengthening of the country’s economy.

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