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"With money and accomplices everyone can run away from prison"

28 February 2009 / 13:02:47  GRReporter
2897 reads

According to latest information, the police knew that Vasilis Paleokostas and Alket Rizay are preparing their prison break and despite that, they did not prevent it. There is a possibility that the two criminals are hiding somewhere in the suburbs of Athens and Rizay is planning his runaway abroad to his home country Albania.

Most likely they are waiting for the fuss around their prison break to go away so they can move somewhere else easier. 15 Special Forces teams started the operation to find the criminals around the mountain regions of Central Greece, which Vasilis Paleokostas knows very well.

The Albanian Panayotis Papas is also a key figure in their prison break. He is Rizay’s accomplice, who had participated in the planning of the first runaway of the two men. He is still not found.

The intelligence services hope that the list with phone calls will bring a light to the case. Cell phones were confiscated from houses or cells of people, who are involved in the first prison break.

Police will also investigate the video cassettes from the prison cameras, which are installed to record everything that is going on in the corridors between the cells of the two criminals and until the yard where they were taking their walks. A possibility exists for Rizay to do what he did after his first prison break – to kill a man.

Kostas Samaras, who is famous for his prison breaks, comments about his old friends: “With money and accomplices everyone can run away! Paleokostas and Rizay did not have many choices to choose from in order to run away because they were very tightly protected in Koridalos. This is the most painless way for someone to run away from Koridalos.” Samaras added that “if you have a clear mind and are observant, you can run away whatever security the prison has.” By looking at the development of the vents on the news, Samaras comments that “a prison break like this one can be organized even without help from the inside.”

Together with the Paleokostas brothers, during 1992 Kostas Samaras rob the Kalambaka branch of the Greek National Bank and take 12 million Drachmas. The police slow down during the chase, in order to gather the 5000 Drachmas, which the criminals throw away.

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