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Nimitz’s proposal firmly rejected

19 August 2009 / 08:08:42  GRReporter
4384 reads

The proposal of the international intermediary Mathew Nimitz in regard to the conflict about Macedonia's name was firmly rejected by Greece and defined as unacceptable and breaking the line of compromise drawn by Prime Minister Karamanlis. According to Greek media the final suggestion of the UN intermediary was "Republic of North Macedonia"- a name to be solely used between Greece and Macedonia. The constitutional name of the former Yugoslavian country remains the official one.

UN administration has received the rejection in writing after a meeting that took place last night in New York between Mathew Nimitz and the Greek ambassador in the UN, and chief negotiator, Adamandios Vassilakis. On Thursday, Nimitz is going to meet the Macedonian UN ambassador and chief negotiator, Zoran Gulevski. It is a known fact that Athens demands from Macedonia to make its name compound, placing a geographical description between "Republic" and "Macedonia" (North, Upper, Vardar) and use this as its constitutional name and not only in bilateral negotiations with Greece.

Greek lobby in the USA is requesting from the American president Barrack Obama to interfere in the Macedonian conflict as well. As is well-known, prior to elections, Obama entered into an engagement with the American Greeks and they consider current events as a good opportunity for its fulfillment. This is also stressed in a letter from the chairman of the Greek Parliament to the chairmen of European Union countries' parliaments.

Tags: Politics Greece Macedonia argument
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