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New revelations of massive tax evasion

07 December 2013 / 19:12:32  GRReporter
2502 reads

Tax authorities have focused on Eftihia Beo, daughter of the former owner of Olympiakos Volos. As noted, her assets have increased by one million euro.

The investigation began following an order of former Economic Prosecutor Grigoris Peponis, according to which employees of the office combating economic crimes, within the investigation of the match-fixing, have to carry out a thorough inspection of all key stakeholders and members of their families.

As staff officers explained for, "under the investigation for match-fixing, the Economic Prosecutor has ordered the inspection of assets of all those involved, as well as their families, in order to check whether these assets are declared and come from legal sources. This is a tax audit for the last 10 years."


A difference amounting to ... 1 million euro

People inspected include daughter of Ahileas Beos, Eftihia. After an inspection, auditors of the Ministry 

of Finance discovered that the daughter of the former owner of Olympiakos Volos has deposited 1 million euro which was not included in her tax return.

"The investigation showed a difference of 1 million euro between tax returns and her bank deposits. The money may not be hers, but someone close to her has deposited 1 million euro into her account," explained someone familiar with the investigation.

The plastic surgeon and the gynaecologist

At the same time, renowned plastic surgeon Kassimis and obstetrician-gynaecologist Bikos (who is also the CEO of a large medical company) seemed to be quite absent-minded, since they had “forgotten” to issue receipts for hundreds of thousands of euro.

"Following the inspection of the documentation provided by the doctors and services they render, it was found that they have not issued any tax documents for some of these services. Thus, the state has lost thousands of euros in taxes," noted sources who took part in the investigation.

In particular, the plastic surgeon who maintains an office in Kolonaki, and claims on his website that he is very pedantic in his work and examines the face and body of the patient from many angles, has apparently not been as pedantic in his accounts, since he has … "forgotten" to issue receipts amounting to 1.356 million euro.

His colleague gynaecologist also seems to have a poor memory, since, according to the financial inspection, he has not presented evidence of services worth 595,000 euro.

Meanwhile, rapid developments are expected in the investigation of the armament programmes scandal.

Well informed sources said for that there are a lot of people involved, most of whom are employees of the Ministry of Defence.

The office combating economic crimes has already caught a ministry employee who did not include 250,000 euro in his tax return. At the same time, the study showed that, as in the case of Ahileas Beos and his daughter, a relative of a person involved in the armaments programme has increased his assets by 230,000 euro.

"For those individuals, it was found that despite the fact that they have 250,000 euro and 230,000 euro in their bank accounts, respectively, they have not declared these amounts to the tax authorities. The investigation is continuing and there are indications that the number of employees of the Ministry of Defence, involved in the scandal, is large," said the economic police.

Tags: the office combating economic crimes tax evasion match-fixing scandal the Ministry of Defence armaments programmes
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