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live New Democracy is leading convincingly by 3.55 percent

17 June 2012 / 23:06:41  GRReporter
2280 reads

New Democracy is leading the race by 3.55 per cent after the counting of votes at the most critical elections in Greece in decades.  So far 74.16 percent of the ballots have been counted, the voter turnout is estimated at 61.26 per cent, and the preferred by 5.88 per cent of the voters parties remain outside the Parliament.

Currently New Democracy is leading with 30.08 percent and SYRIZA is following it with 26.53 percent. PASOK is in third place with 12.54 percent of the votes and The Independent Greeks are fourth with 7.46 per cent. Then follow Golden Dawn with 6.94 per cent, the Democratic Left Party with 6.06 percent and the Communist Party with 4.49 per cent.

The final results, however, will not be so high for any of the parties.

The company responsible for counting the votes, Singular Logic, determines the difference at 2.4 percent in favour of New Democracy. Its assessment is that the final percentage of New Democracy will be 29.5 percent and the party will get 129 seats in the Parliament, 50 of which it will gain as a bonus as provided in the electoral law.

With 27.1 percent rate SYRIZA is expected to get 72 seats, while PASOK only 32 seats with a result from the elections of 12.3 percent. 20 members of Parliament will be nominated by the Independent Greeks, who will receive a final rate of 7.6 percent. Singular Logic forecasts 7 per cent and 18 seats in Parliament for Golden Dawn, 6.2 per cent and 17 seats for the Democratic Left Party and 4.5 per cent and 12 seats for the Communist Party.

Tags: Politics elections ballots counting
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